Which of these builds would be better at playing games?


Sep 11, 2016
I'm poor so my budget needs to be around £450 ($580) and I will be using the pc to play games, I have a 1080p 60hz monitor and want to play new games at decent settings with playable frame rates. So which will I get better performance with or will they be pretty similar? If I were to get the Pentium I would overclock it somewhat. Also, if anyone has suggestions for any other parts or builds that keep it around £450 that would nice Any answer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

1st build http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/h2pkf8

2nd build http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/9B2wYr
My advice would be to do yourself a favor and safe a little bit more money. It will be worth it in the long run. On your first build you will be disappointed with your gpu. Second build you will be bottle-necked by your cpu unless you overclock the snot out of it, and without research not sure if that MB could do that for u. Also u would probably need a non stock cpu cooler. Probably save up for something like a gtx 1060. That being said this all depends on what type of games you are playing.


Oct 18, 2012
My advice would be to do yourself a favor and safe a little bit more money. It will be worth it in the long run. On your first build you will be disappointed with your gpu. Second build you will be bottle-necked by your cpu unless you overclock the snot out of it, and without research not sure if that MB could do that for u. Also u would probably need a non stock cpu cooler. Probably save up for something like a gtx 1060. That being said this all depends on what type of games you are playing.


Sep 11, 2016

Thanks for your answer. I realized that I could sell my ps4 and get an extra £200 because I won't really be using it if I get a pc so I'll have about £650 to spend which should be enough, it will be a grave loss to lose all my ps4 trophies though :lol: