Which of these two SFFs would be better for video editing?


Oct 19, 2014
I am interested in video editing, but only for ten minute or so clips. Using Adobe Premiere Elements.

Which of these two would be better?

By Computer Upgrade King


Configured to

# R5 2400 G APU
16GB 2400 RAM

Or https://cukusa.com/cuk-axiom-ts-i3-8300-8gb-ram-1tb-sshd-tiny-desktop-pc.html

Configured to

250GB NVMe + 1 TB HD
16GB 2400 RAM


I want a somewhat small computer, not one with a graphics card.

Would the higher core and frequency of the i7-8700 outperform the APU of the Ryzen 5.

This company varies from great reviews to horrendous, but no inbetween. Are they good with one disgruntled customer or what?

I knew the Intel version has NVMe, but it also does not have an APU. The question is: Does the Ryzen APU outweight the CPU performance and extra cores on the Intel.

I would say that the 8700 is the way to go. The 6-cores/12-threads combined with QuickSync support pretty much outweighs the 2400G's GPU. The only reason I'd go with the 2400G would be for timeline performance. But again, that depends on your settings etc. What is your budget? I may be able to assist you in building a FAR more powerful PC that is still compact, and may even be a lower price.
I would say that the 8700 is the way to go. The 6-cores/12-threads combined with QuickSync support pretty much outweighs the 2400G's GPU. The only reason I'd go with the 2400G would be for timeline performance. But again, that depends on your settings etc. What is your budget? I may be able to assist you in building a FAR more powerful PC that is still compact, and may even be a lower price.