Which one is the best bang for the buck??


Mar 12, 2014
My specifications on my PC
Motherboard - GIGABYTE MA785GMT-UD2H
Processor - AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black edition (3.4ghz)
RAM - 2x 4gb(8gb) DDR3 PNY 1333mhz
Power Supply - 520watt
Graphics Card - AMD Radeon HD R6670 XFX Core Edition 2gb DDR3

Im wanting to upgrade my graphics card on my PC, I have a HD 6670 2gb card now that is pretty good. I play games like Skyrim, Diablo 3, Dark Souls, Tera Online, DayZ and other games like them.
Ive been looking at cards and im thinking about getting a R7 260x or a R7 265. the R7 265 is around 50$ more but its better, and im on kinda a budget of 130$ Didn't know if the R7 265 was worth 50$ more or if i should settle for the R7 260x

R7 260x - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202081&cm_re=SAPPHIRE_100366-2L_Radeon_R7_260X_2GB-_-14-202-081-_-Product

R7 265 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202096&cm_re=Sapphire_Radeon_R7_265-_-14-202-096-_-Product

Also i've seen some refurbished cards, are those worth looking at or am i better paying full price for a brand new one?

Thank you :)
It all depends what $50 is worth to YOU. To me, it would be worth it. But not everyone has the same financial situation. A lot will depend on the resolution of your monitor. ??
And do you OC your processor?

Refurbished can mean several things. It can simply mean a card someone sent back that they couldn't get working because they weren't bright enough to figure out. It could mean it had a defective component that was replaced by an authorized repair shop. It could mean a card that was sent back that didn't work for the owner, but worked when tested at the retailer; so they boxed it back up for resale.
Sometimes buying used from ebay from a seller with high feedback scores, lots of sales, and a return window is better than refurbished.
I never regret paying more for something good.
Often I regret buying something lesser based on price.
In this case, I suggest choosing the R9-265.

But... why not consider a GTX750ti for $130 which performs similarly and takes less power:

I would not have a problem with refurbished cards direct from the original vendor.
Check EVGA bstock store for example.

My monitor is in 1920 x 1080 and nope i have it at stock

Then you better go for the fastest of the two. At 1080p you are going to need more than the R7-260X for smooth gaming with today's AAA games. I was able to play Crysis 3 @ 1080p with (mostly) medium settings using a PhIIX4 965BE @ 4GHZ and a GTX 750 Ti OC card. And the R7-265 is a bit faster than the 750 Ti.