Which one should be future compatible?? FX 8350 or Intel i5 3450


Sep 14, 2012
currently am using an fx 4100 with a GTX 970.. hahaha.. because i just upgraded my card and now I want to upgrade my cpu.. so since my budget is low to purchase anything first hand.. i got 2 guys.. one selling an fx 8350 and the other one selling i5 3450.. both are sellng at an equal price.. which one should i consider going? I wont overclock at all and want to play games ONLY and also some illustrator and photoshop stuffs.. It should serve me atleast 2- 2.5years
No. And you can easily OC the 8320 to run at FX-8350 speeds. That board will handle either chip fine, but you probably won't be able to push much past 4.2 GHz with its VRMs. Nonetheless, should be a huge improvement over the 4100
Well I have an issue now.. After installing everything the machine is working flawlessly BUT whenever am trying to play some very demanding titles like assassins creed syndicate or mad max my ups is making BEEP BEEP sound. Its a clear sign of overloading.. I spent all my money and am now in this postition.. am using Frontech 600VA.. please help!

AMD FX 8320 3.6Ghz
Gigabyte 970A D3P motherboard
Corsair Vengeance 1600Mhz 8x2GB
Asus Strix GTX 970
Antec Neo Eco 520C Power supply
7 Coolermaster JetFlo fans
LG DVD Writer

AOC 18.9" monitor

Creative 4.1 Soundblaster Speakers..

All connected to that ups ;_; HALP PLS!