Which part of my PC is causing FPS issues? Or are these games just poorly optimized?


Jun 14, 2015
What should I upgrade to fix my FPS issues? Or are these just issues of the games being poorly made?

I've noticed when playing 2 recent games on steam, they both run like garbage on my PC (Hatred only gets 5-10 FPS on the train level, Ark: Survival only gets like 15-20 on lowest)
and I would like to try fixing whatever is causing the problem, which part of my PC is creating the issue here? And could I fix it for under maybe 60-80$? (I'm cheap xD ) Or are these games just badly coded?

My graphics card:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102992

(Sapphire 6670 2GB HD)

My Processor: http://www.amazon.com/AMD-A10-5800K-3-8Ghz-Processor-AD580KWOHJBOX/dp/B0095VP8D4

(AMD A10-5800K 3.8ghz quad core)

I have 8 gigs of DDR3 ram, and run my games at 1024x768 resolution.

Have a read here.


It's not just you. It's probably a combination of lower/mid range gpu with the a10 which isn't a bad chip but not a powerhouse either. People having issues with everything from 8-16gb of ram, 8350's to i5's, i7's, 780ti's, titan's, crossfired cards. As with most games anymore, they release them way too early and they're full of glitches and bugs that take months worth of updates sometimes to get to the point they're playable.

I went from mostly console gaming to mostly pc gaming (I don't game religiously, but somewhat regularly). The past couple years it's gotten progressively worse to the point I wait until games have been out...
Have a read here.


It's not just you. It's probably a combination of lower/mid range gpu with the a10 which isn't a bad chip but not a powerhouse either. People having issues with everything from 8-16gb of ram, 8350's to i5's, i7's, 780ti's, titan's, crossfired cards. As with most games anymore, they release them way too early and they're full of glitches and bugs that take months worth of updates sometimes to get to the point they're playable.

I went from mostly console gaming to mostly pc gaming (I don't game religiously, but somewhat regularly). The past couple years it's gotten progressively worse to the point I wait until games have been out for awhile before considering buying them. They're so poorly coded at the release date that I refuse to reward the companies for incomplete work at top dollar. I don't buy a cake with promises that someday soon I can actually get the frosting that was supposed to come with it or a t.v. set where only 2 of 3 primary colors work crossing my fingers that eventually people will stop appearing purple on the screen. Games are no different imho.