What should I upgrade to fix my FPS issues? Or are these just issues of the games being poorly made?
I've noticed when playing 2 recent games on steam, they both run like garbage on my PC (Hatred only gets 5-10 FPS on the train level, Ark: Survival only gets like 15-20 on lowest)
and I would like to try fixing whatever is causing the problem, which part of my PC is creating the issue here? And could I fix it for under maybe 60-80$? (I'm cheap xD ) Or are these games just badly coded?
My graphics card:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102992
(Sapphire 6670 2GB HD)
My Processor: http://www.amazon.com/AMD-A10-5800K-3-8Ghz-Processor-AD580KWOHJBOX/dp/B0095VP8D4
(AMD A10-5800K 3.8ghz quad core)
I have 8 gigs of DDR3 ram, and run my games at 1024x768 resolution.
I've noticed when playing 2 recent games on steam, they both run like garbage on my PC (Hatred only gets 5-10 FPS on the train level, Ark: Survival only gets like 15-20 on lowest)
and I would like to try fixing whatever is causing the problem, which part of my PC is creating the issue here? And could I fix it for under maybe 60-80$? (I'm cheap xD ) Or are these games just badly coded?
My graphics card:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102992
(Sapphire 6670 2GB HD)
My Processor: http://www.amazon.com/AMD-A10-5800K-3-8Ghz-Processor-AD580KWOHJBOX/dp/B0095VP8D4
(AMD A10-5800K 3.8ghz quad core)
I have 8 gigs of DDR3 ram, and run my games at 1024x768 resolution.