Which PC parts should I upgrade first?


Dec 1, 2015
Hey, I'm not really sure which to upgrade first, ill list my current specs and hopefully you can suggest what to upgrade and what to. Currently i hang around 30-50fps (sometimes 60) in gta V and also struggled for solid fps while playing battlefront beta.
CPU: AMD FX830 black edition.
Mobo: Asus M5A78L - if i was to upgrade CPU/mobo I would like to head towards intel, preferably skylake.
RAM: 8gb ddr3 corsair vengeance.
HDD: WD 1tb green - ordered a 240gb SSD
GPU: sapphire tri-x r9 290x. - was looking at msi gtx 970
Add an aftermarket CPU cooler, overclock the FX-8320 / FX-8350 to 4.2GHz and call it a day. The CPU is capable of more, but the 780 chipset motherboard will hold you back some. If you replace your motherboard, you may have to worry about another OS license..
I have an aftermarket CPU cooler, forget to mention sorry. Its some rather cheap coolmaster one that cost me like £30. Will this handle it? And my CPU is 8370 black edition @ 4 GHz. - sorry typo.
Never knew that upgrading mobo would require another OS license, makes sense now seeing as windows key is stored in your BIOS?