Hey, I'm not really sure which to upgrade first, ill list my current specs and hopefully you can suggest what to upgrade and what to. Currently i hang around 30-50fps (sometimes 60) in gta V and also struggled for solid fps while playing battlefront beta.
CPU: AMD FX830 black edition.
Mobo: Asus M5A78L - if i was to upgrade CPU/mobo I would like to head towards intel, preferably skylake.
RAM: 8gb ddr3 corsair vengeance.
HDD: WD 1tb green - ordered a 240gb SSD
GPU: sapphire tri-x r9 290x. - was looking at msi gtx 970
CPU: AMD FX830 black edition.
Mobo: Asus M5A78L - if i was to upgrade CPU/mobo I would like to head towards intel, preferably skylake.
RAM: 8gb ddr3 corsair vengeance.
HDD: WD 1tb green - ordered a 240gb SSD
GPU: sapphire tri-x r9 290x. - was looking at msi gtx 970