Which PC to choose from ?

Adam Georgeson

Aug 15, 2014
I have a 1200GBP budget, and building a pc is a no go(Don't have enough time). I've found these two computers.

I think if I tried hard enough I would be able to afford the second one, but I mainly want opinions on the first one.

First one - [http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/computing/desktop-pcs/gaming-pcs/pc-specialist-vortex-hailstorm-gaming-pc-10004709-pdt.html

Second one - http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/computing/desktop-pcs/gaming-pcs/cyberpower-revolution-xtreme-gaming-pc-21836893-pdt.html

I just wanted to know if the first one can run Arma 3, Dayz Overpoch(Arma 2 OA) and Dayz Standalone on high settings/high FPS. Also maybe, if it will run games like Watch dogs on high settings(GtaV as well).

The second one, I can guess that it will do all of the above(Run all the games above) really good. That's my last option. I can't go with pcspecialist or any other company because most require credit cards/aren't in my area. And where I'm living there is a currys just up the road.

Yes, that would have made sense. Lol.

Expect these new builds to perform the exact same. Also The gtx770 released in May of 2013, so no way did you have that computer 2 years ago.

Will the first one run those games at high settings/Good FPS? Better than my crappy Laptop at the moment I hope. I have a invoice of the old PC I had bought about 2 years ago now, could someone compare and tell me what the results would be for them ?

It ran most games on high if I remember correctly, So I really do wander what this one is capable of in regards to my old pc. Link below:


(Price of the old pc I had is AUD not GBP)

Wow! I bought that old pc(The list) 2 years ago for like 1700 AUD(940ish gbp) and I'm buying a identical build for more money :/ Damn should of kept the old one when I moved to the UK lol.