I have a 1200GBP budget, and building a pc is a no go(Don't have enough time). I've found these two computers.
I think if I tried hard enough I would be able to afford the second one, but I mainly want opinions on the first one.
First one - [http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/computing/desktop-pcs/gaming-pcs/pc-specialist-vortex-hailstorm-gaming-pc-10004709-pdt.html
Second one - http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/computing/desktop-pcs/gaming-pcs/cyberpower-revolution-xtreme-gaming-pc-21836893-pdt.html
I just wanted to know if the first one can run Arma 3, Dayz Overpoch(Arma 2 OA) and Dayz Standalone on high settings/high FPS. Also maybe, if it will run games like Watch dogs on high settings(GtaV as well).
The second one, I can guess that it will do all of the above(Run all the games above) really good. That's my last option. I can't go with pcspecialist or any other company because most require credit cards/aren't in my area. And where I'm living there is a currys just up the road.
I think if I tried hard enough I would be able to afford the second one, but I mainly want opinions on the first one.
First one - [http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/computing/desktop-pcs/gaming-pcs/pc-specialist-vortex-hailstorm-gaming-pc-10004709-pdt.html
Second one - http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/computing/desktop-pcs/gaming-pcs/cyberpower-revolution-xtreme-gaming-pc-21836893-pdt.html
I just wanted to know if the first one can run Arma 3, Dayz Overpoch(Arma 2 OA) and Dayz Standalone on high settings/high FPS. Also maybe, if it will run games like Watch dogs on high settings(GtaV as well).
The second one, I can guess that it will do all of the above(Run all the games above) really good. That's my last option. I can't go with pcspecialist or any other company because most require credit cards/aren't in my area. And where I'm living there is a currys just up the road.