Which pins do plug into my GTX 760


Jan 31, 2014
I have an EVGA Gtx 760, and on the side is space for one 8 Pin plug and one 6 pin plug. On my power supply, I have one 8 Pin cable, one 6+2 pin cable (This one has PCI-E on the side), and I have one 6 pin cable. Please help me as I need this build up in the next 2 hours :) 😀 Thanks for any answers
You can use either the 8 pin cable or the 6+2 pin cable in the 8pin slot on card make sure you use the extra two pins if you use the 6+2)

You can use the 6 pin cable or the 6+2pin cable in the 6pin slot on card(extra 2 pins are not used)

You have to occupy both 8 and 6 pin ports on the graphics card for it to work.

I would use 8 pin connector and 6 pin connector and leave out the 6+2 but it really does not matter as long as you follow the rules above

Ok, I found out the 8 pin won't fit. I've plugged in the 6 and the 6+2, it should work though right?

Usually the PCI E 6, 6+2 & 8 pin plugs have a PCI-E label

The Motherboard ATX 4+4 or 8 pin plugs looks similar to the PCI-E plug but will not fit
(as you have found out)

The motherboard ATX 4 or 8 pin plug must be connected or the PC will not switch on


Mike Barnes