Which power supply shall i go for my PC


May 6, 2015

i3 2nd gen 2100
ga-h61m-ds2 motherboard
2x2gb ddr3 (1333mhz) ram
500 gb segate barracuda 7200rpm
2 fans (normal stock ones)
Cmstorm Devastator keyboard and mouse combo
asus gtx 750ti 2gb ddr5 OC graphics card
Unless you're going to SLI,I would suggest you to buy a 550W supply.

Corsair CS 550W:http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GH9NA6O/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_1?pf_rd_p=1944687702&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B00EB7UIO6&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=07GJAEP13HYGJ428ZDC6

GTX 750Ti only require a quality 400W PSU with 20Amps on its +12V rail.

If you're from India:

SeaSonic Eco 430W Rs. 3350[Flipkart]
This one has a max output of 36Amps on its two +12V rails combined.

If you're from US:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: Corsair CSM 450W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($26.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $26.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-05-09 13:37 EDT-0400

This has a max output of 35.5Amps on its +12V rail.

Either of these PSUs are more than enough to power up your entire rig.


That PSU is overkill for OP's system. What he needs is a quality 450W PSU. I agree with Yeslay. Get the SeaSonic Eco 430W Rs. 3350 [Flipkart]
GeForce GTX 750 Ti doesn't even support SLI mode so you don't even need to worry about that.

System Power Supply Requirements for a single GeForce GTX 750 Ti
NVIDIA specifies a minimum of a 300 Watt or greater system power supply. (Minimum system power requirement based on a PC configured with an Intel Core i7 3.2GHz 130 Watt TDP processor.)
the system power supply must also have a maximum combined +12 Volt continuous current rating of 20 Amps or greater
the system power supply should also have at least one 75-Watt 6-pin PCI Express supplementary power connector for some of the non-reference design cards (e.g. ASUS GTX 750 Ti OC 2 GB [GTX750TI-OC-2GD5], EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti FTW w/ EVGA ACX Cooling [02G-P4-3757-KR]).

Total Power Supply Wattage is NOT the crucial factor in power supply selection!!! Sufficient Total Combined Continuous Power/Current Available on the +12V Rail(s) is the most critical factor.

Can i go with corsair vs550??

Corsair VS PSUs are pure BS. The Seasonic 430W is 100 times better than the VS550

i was thinking about it because in future might be i will be upgrading my computer with the CPU cooler such as Cooler Master Hyper 212XCooler

so will seasonic able to handle it ???

thanks for the time :)

SeaSonic Eco 430W is a 80+ bronze certified PSU is better than Corsair VS550, will handle the 212X CPU Cooler with ease.