which power supply should i use?


Aug 19, 2010
I a buying new Mobo, CPU and RAM as follows

i7 4790k
MSI Z97S SLI Krait Edition Motherboard
8gb Trident

and the power supply options that I have are

Cooler Master Thunder 450W

Corsair VS450 450 Watt PSU

Corsair CX430 430 Watts PSU

Which one of these would be the best?
What graphics card, sir? If you are talking integrated GPU, get the CX430. But if you plan on using a discrete GPU(s), I would not get any of these, as they are all quite avereage in terms of quality and below average in terms of power they can provide.

then this is a problem for me
i do not want to spend more as i am already overboard on my budget

I have a Asus GeForce GT 520 - 2 GB
GT520 is a fairly weak card, so it will run no problem on any of these. Just make sure you don't purchase a stronger GPU without first upgrading the PSU in the future. And yes, LucoTF is correct - VS450 is actually a better choice. Missed that +12V rating.

so i was reading on other forums
about the two powers supplies
majority of the people recommended cx430
as it is 80+ certified
I am really confused, because once i get it, i wont be investing again for the next 4-5 years unless it breaks
so have to be sure before buying it
I owned and used a VS 450 for about 15 months, no issues with it at all. It comes with a 3 year guarantee

A lot of reviews about the VS 450 are based on version one (CP-9020009-WW), but this is version two (CP-9020049-WW) which has slightly better capacitors.

The VS450 is 80% efficient but it doesn't have 80+ bronze because it isn't sold in 240v, only 230v (europe and asia) and the certifying authorities only do 240v :)
PSU is one thing you should never cheap on, and a good quality PSU can serve you well for many years and through several rigs.

I would skip them both and get XFX Core 550W. Slightly more expensive, but well worth it. And you can later upgrade to basically any graphics card, as long as it is only one card.

I should have mentioned earlier i live in India
and the website that I am buying these components from does not have the xfx 550 you mentioned

here is the link
can you suggest me some other PSU