Which Power supply? Xigmatek Maverick 600w VS Thermaltake 630W Smart SE


Nov 28, 2015
Ive been looking through a lot of psus but wont be able to afford the xfx or seasonic line. So i was wondering which one is better as they are both the same price and have pretty much the same features. They are both semi modular and have fully black cables which is important in my build

Thanks in advance
PCPartPicker isn't the best for UK shops, but looks like it might be enough.

I assume you have about ~55Ł to spend, since I quickly checked the price of the Thermaltake from you post - it's 53Ł at Scan now.

If you'd like to have a reliable power supply, take XFX TS Bronze 550W for 51Ł. It's not modular, but it does have all-black cables (ribbon style), and uses very reliable components inside. It uses a bit old design, so the performance is nothing spectacular, but it really is a reliable unit.

If you can pay a little bit more, try to take XFX TS Gold 550W or Antec TruePower Classic 550W, both for about 56Ł. They are both the SAME thing internally - a non-modular Seasonic G, which is a very high quality, modern...
The thermal take is not as bad as the maverick which is not really a great compliment.

What country are you ??

Is the evga 600b available to you, that's about as low as I'd go on the reliability scale.

Even the corsair Cx or vs are better than the two you've listed.
Out of these two, the Thermaltake is better - the Xigmatek is very short and can be useful in specific cases, but doesn't perform too well. Thermaltake Smart SE 630W uses the CWT GPM platform, which doesn't use the most reliable components, but actually achieves pretty good performance results - like low ripple.

Despite that, they are both rather low end - if you just state your budget, tell us your setup and tell us where you shop (since the Thermaltake Smart SE can only work in 230V countries), then maybe we can choose something better.

Core i7 4770
Gtx 980
8gb hyperx
msi b85m e45
WD 1tb
s340 case

Also im in the uk:)

Im in the uk and im looking for cables that arnet 'ketchup and mustard' coloured. As im trying too kep it looking tiday!Haha

If you're in the UK this would be a much better choice than the models above if you can afford it:

Power Supply: EVGA 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply (£38.49 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £38.49
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-12-01 17:31 GMT+0000

And for 3 pounds more you could get the XFX:

Power Supply: XFX ProSeries 450W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply (£41.99 @ Aria PC)
Total: £41.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-12-01 17:32 GMT+0000

It really is worth saving up for a quailty PSU, it isn't an item you want to try and cut costs on. If you can afford the GTX 980 it is worth pairing it with a decent PSU.
PCPartPicker isn't the best for UK shops, but looks like it might be enough.

I assume you have about ~55Ł to spend, since I quickly checked the price of the Thermaltake from you post - it's 53Ł at Scan now.

If you'd like to have a reliable power supply, take XFX TS Bronze 550W for 51Ł. It's not modular, but it does have all-black cables (ribbon style), and uses very reliable components inside. It uses a bit old design, so the performance is nothing spectacular, but it really is a reliable unit.

If you can pay a little bit more, try to take XFX TS Gold 550W or Antec TruePower Classic 550W, both for about 56Ł. They are both the SAME thing internally - a non-modular Seasonic G, which is a very high quality, modern design that lasts a long time. They are both nonmodular. Pick one of these two based on the photos of their cables, and choose the one that you like more.
The first good unit I could find with solid black cables at the proper wattage was this:

Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA GS 550W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply (£64.99 @ Aria PC)
Total: £64.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-12-01 17:36 GMT+0000

I'm afraid you'll have to pay a bit more if you want to be able to choose a more aesthetic unit. That said, this would be a fantastic unit to pair with the GTX 980 and is fully modular for easy cable management. This is the unit I would recommend saving up for if you can.

unfortunately i already have my build at home, just waitiing on my psu and gpu, but thanks anyway!