Which processor should I choose for upgrade on HM55 chipset motherboard.

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Mar 26, 2017
I have a old laptop with Intel core i5-520m, I want to upgrade the processor, my motherboard info shows that it has a HM55 chipset. Can anybody suggest a CPU for maximum performance.

For MAXIMUM performance, either a i7 920xm or i7 940xm would be the most powerful upgrade. Though this is the most powerful upgrade you can make, I would not suggest buying it as the cheapest 940xm I could find was $144 and the cheapest 920xm I could find was $83.

If it's a cheap upgrade you are looking for though, I'd suggest if you're not already running an SSD, that you install one as it'll perform WORLD's better than an HDD and reveal a lot more performance.

If you already have that upgrade though (or just need better CPU performance), and are looking for the best bang for your buck, than I'd suggest the 820qm or the 840qm. I found the 820qm for as low as $38, and the 840qm for as low as $50. Which ever one is in your price range should be a decent buy.

Before buying any of these chips, I'd suggest quickly checking to see if your cpu isn't soldered to the board (just as a precaution though it is likely that it uses a removable socket).

(NOTE: All the prices represented here were based on deals found on ebay)

Hope this was of some help!

- Nate of Ralleon Custom Built

Thanks, but I have one concern that the core i5-520m currently in my laptop has a TDP of 25 watts
Whereas these processors you suggested have a 35 watt TDP . Also the laptop came with a SSHD, so putting a SSD wouldn't make a whole lot of difference. Also the socket is PGA not BGA, so the processor is not soldered on, although I opened it and verified that

I'm sorry , accidentally touched on the vote down button, now I cant remove it, but the laptop model is HCL ME M74 series core i5.

Hahahaha!!! No Problem *tear* *tear* Anyways, upgrading to an i7 as you pointed out early has the issue of being a 35w chip over the 25w i5 520m. This is not as much as an issue assuming you are okay with a little bit more noise, as the only problem this higher end chip posses is higher heat output, and as a result, higher fan RPM.

If you can live with a little bit more noise though, than great you have yourself an i7, and a smaller (by a little) battery life.

I think I can live with that, also, I was wondering if the die size was any bigger than the 520m i5, because then the processor wouldn't be properly cooled.

They are different die sizes, but in terms of height they should be the same, so if you were to willing to take the risk and jury rig it than it should work. If not, I've heard about buying a new 35w cooler and replacing the one you currently have in your laptop with it, on a forum where someone recently made the upgrade that this would be.

I would make it work with the current one as I saw the die size was different but all a big rectangle , in the center which is similar to the size of the actual size of the cooling plate required to cool the i5 520m (because it has spaces in between the two die's). Also I would update you on this as firstly I would go the local computer store and check whether they have a laptop with that processor and check for any more issues except that we discussed (hopefully not!).

Can I answer you instead as I also want to know what is the best processor I can upgrade/replace to?

My old laptap is an Asus K42JK running an i3-350M on a HM55 chipset MB.
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