[SOLVED] Which psu is better?


Dec 30, 2018
What is difference between corsair gs 600w and corsair tx650w .? I need good psu for gaming. Im not overclocking or using sli. Just want to have good and fine performance working psu .

EVGA 550W G2 is a great fit and the most reliable.

Yeah both PSUs could work, or the CX model as well.

Take a look at this, it might help: https://www.custompcguide.net/the-differences-between-all-corsair-power-supply-units/

Hope this helps.

I came back to ask this question and see it was already posted. What is your hard budget? There are better units out there.

Consider this https://www.amazon.com/d/Computer-Power-Supplies/CORSAIR-RM650x-Certified-Modular-Supply/B015YEIBJ8. It is a better quality PSU that also offers better cable management. Because it's a modular PSU you only connect the wires you need.

https://www.amazon.com/Seasonic-SSR-650FX-Modular-Warranty-Compact/dp/B073H33X7R is yet another high end model.

The RM650X and the Seasonic both come with a 10 year warranty so you'll be covered for at least a couple builds. Most other PSUs come with a 3 year warranty.

Happy New Year's!
I feel the need to share this btw: Last when I was building my PC, I used the Corsair AX860i. The first one was DOA, replaced in my retailer, and after a while, the second one had developed weird loud whining noises.

I ended up using a Cooler Master V700 after refunding with my retailer after they have tested and confirmed the issue.

Just a story I wanted to share. Corsair PSU might be better these days.

This is so true. Even if you purchase one of the best PSUs out there there is a chance it will be DOA or die in a few months or years like my EVGA GFX(3 months) card did. I submitted a RMA that was approved and I had a new card in a week. This is why you should be aware of your warranty responsibilities.

@OP - Please stay away from the V or VS Corsair models.They are low end budget buys that don't sound like they offer the peace of mind/ features and quality of build you need and I think the V is discontinued.

Do Corsair have a V or VS series? If you meant Cooler Master, I've had that V700 for about 4 years now. No problems what so ever.


I meant Cooler Master:) Same over here. I owned and used a $30 EVGA 80+ 500W PSU with my 970 for at least a couple years before I upgraded the card and PSU. Not something I recommend but it has gotten a lot of bad word of mouth and I think johnnyguru also didn't like it much.

but the Cooler Master V700 seem pretty well scored over at http://www.jonnyguru.com/modules.php?name=NDReviews&op=Story6&reid=360
Maybe newer models of the cooler master v series wasn't all that good?

the only issue i have ever had with a corsair psu was when i connected a fan incorrectly, triggering short circuit protection. I sent 2 back as doa before realizing this. Man i did some stupid things with my build. Corsair quality has increased. One example would be with the old cx line. The old corsair cx line was notorious for killing entire systems, however the new "grey label" cx line like i have is actually pretty decent.


Agreed, stay away from the green lettering.
I need all cables. Im using fatality 550w pro series. Only with 2 cables. For gpu mobo and for hdd and ssd. I need molex for fans and for other stuff. Im going to sell it and buy new. In my country i can buy tx 650w or gs 600 or cx 600w in same price.
Question from fradkinperadze : "which psu is better?"

Question from fradkinperadze : "Which psu is better?"

Question from fradkinperadze : "Need help with psu"

only EVGA G2 is best? ^^
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