Which PSU will I need to overclock?

Mar 21, 2018
Hi, I am thinking of overclocking in the future my gpu, memory and cpu.

My specs:
- Ryzen 7 1700
- asrock ab350 pro4 mobo
- 2x4GB 2400MHz
- NVIDIA gtx1060 6gb
- 2-4 fans 1x120mm 2-3x140mm

As of now I have a 450 watt PSU, however will I need to upgrade straight away or only when I want to overclock?

Which psu do you recommend if I want to oc in the future?
What is the make and model of your PSU? Include the make and model of you rams as well. If they are from G.Skill, you could overclock them higher than they are advertised to go. I would personally go for a 650W unit built with quality components. Where are you located and how much can you allocate to your PSU?

my current psu is corsair cx 450m bronze and the ram is corsair lpx vengeance.
Am located in the UK, but i dont want to spend lots on a psu, I can probably buy it secondhand however. (max 40/45gbp but even that is slightly over my limit)


1st... NEVER buy a used PSU....
2nd... There is nothing worth buying in that price range that won't either fry your system or burn your house down.

The budget needs to go up a lot to get into the quality PSU's.