which r9 280x consume less power?

jason katsou

Oct 12, 2013
i want to know what r9 280x non refference consumes less power than the others.. i have seen in several benchmarks that some models doesnt use as much power as others....i now look at the saphire dual x(not vapor x)875/6000 and assus dcuii 1070/6400...
i have power limitations for now(my psu)

It's usually tied in with how high the clock speed is. The more it's overclocked, the more power it will require.

It usually depends on the heat sink/fan. For instance, I have the Wind force 770, and it eats up a lot of power on load. But if I were to get the stock 770 with one or two fans, it would not take as much power, but it would also get hotter and have a little less performance. Sapphire Vapor-X is Sapphires cooling system, the card will perform better and stay cooler, but it will take up more PSU wattage. It comes down to how big your PSU is. Normally a 280x will need 250w of power, so you will probably want a minimal 600w, but I would highly suggest having a 700-750w.

Hope this helps!

it could run on a 500w without overclocking anything,right?????i cant change psu now,only because i bought it 2 months ago(i didnt know that i will buy such a powerfull card)....i will probably buy a new psu at easter..

What is the rest of your build like? 500w would really be pushing it...

i5 4670
8gbs of run
no fans
2 hdds 7200rpm

nothing is overclocked and wont be overclocked until i buy a new psu...i aso think about buying a 770 which consumes 20 or so watts less...what do you thing...my psu has dual 12v rails 24/21....

770 is a good choice, a bit safer than the 280x. The rest of your specs are fine but why don't you have fans? You WILL need them for gaming.

i dont know,i guess it consumes more watts right????if its really hot i will open the case.lol 😀
ANYWAY,I JUST ORDERED gtx 770 assus dirrect cu2 1059/7010...i have seen benchmarks that shows that total system power consumption with this graphics card and with i7 3970x(oc 4.5ghz) together with all the other parts consumes only about 364 watts...oh...gaming.😀


For the love of god buy case fans. Leaving the side panel open won't cut it, also it would let dust and dirt in, which is bad. Your GPU is going to generate a ton of heat in your case, MUCH more than you have now, it needs a safe and efficient way to get out. I speak from past newb experience. 3 fans won't use much power. I'll say it once more: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PUT FANS IN YOUR CASE!

lol...you are right.i have already one so here is a chance to use it...you were very helpfull.thank you>>>

I personally wouldn't use less than 3 of the 120mm variety. Just please don't torture your components. lol
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