[fixed]As for the SSD, I am still confused on it. It is just like a normal hard drive, but faster? I got two normal hard drives I use now, both 596GB.
They are good, and I plan to use them in my new computer. Could I just install my OS on the SSD and my games/everything else on my hard drive? [/fixed]
Firelance, SSD is like HDD, but it is filled with RAM and non moving parts. The seek is immediate, so when on your HDD file is fragmented, the HDD have to look up all the parts of that file mechanically, while SSD does not.
So if u start any program, like the office, it is done in 2 sec vs HDD takes on in 10 or more sec. Photoshop is up in 3sec, HDD 10 or more.
Open 150 tabs or close them or bookmark them is instant. Boot is about 13 sec on my PC, HDD was about 35 or more.
Shut down is instant. And I still have SATA2 Vertex2.
If u copy or paste many files SSD beats the HDD to the ground.
It is the best upgrade u can do, especially on older PC's.