Which SATA port do I use for my OS drive?? Asus z170a mobo


Mar 20, 2016
Well this is my first build. Just got to the sata data connectors to use on the mobos sata ports to the drives on my ASUS z170-a mobo. I've got a 256gb samsung 850 pro SSD to use for my OS drive and a 2tb WD black HDD for addition storage. Now every tutorial/guide ive watched says to use sata port 1 for my OS drive but on my mobo it indicates to use sata port 3 for my OSD. It has a sticker and all stating to use this port as my OS drive?? Im sorry if I'm not very informative, I posted this video on youtube showing what I'm trying to figure out http:// like I said im really new to this and I'd really appreciate some help, thanks :)
Well thats what I thought too but I dont have a sata_0. Just sata_1-6 and if you look at the video it says that sata 3 is labeled for OS drive?? Thats whats confusing and doesnt say anything about it in the manual
Was out to grab some more parts here, home soon. Im gonna double check the manual to see what it says about m2 and the raid arrays, to clarify if thats what sata 1&2 are for. It just feels wrong to start with sata 3 but I mean , its labeled right? Whats the worst that could happen if have it wrong when I finally get this rig started? & sata 1 & 2 are my sata "express" slots, if that means anything important
Your os goes in sata 3. I have read the manual very clearly. 1 and 2 are for express connections, m2, and raid arrays. 3 is your os. Yes working on computers most my life I thought this was weird as its always 0, back in the day you had to use 0 to make a drive a master and others slaves.

But this is how he is supposed to do his mobo, os in 3, rest in 456, unless you want to get a drive array going.
Yep I just checked my manual and it says 1x sata express connectors and 4x sata 6gb connectors. The express is supposed to be 1 connector by itself, not the 2 I thought it was. And in the manual it says the m.2 shares sata mode with sata express