Which screen would you reccommend?


Mar 22, 2013
I have a few in mind.

I really like the design and the price of the asus, but it does lack features.

I like the size of this asus monitor as I'm upgrading from a basic 21.5" monitor

I really like all the features of this Benq monitor but I'm not keen on the look and size, but I'm not too worried about that.

If you have any more suggestions let me know. I don't have a pile of money so I'd like something roughly in the price range of these.
You've got two IPS monitors and a 120Hz TN panel there. What exactly are you wanting this monitor for?

If you're gaming with any form of competition, get the BenQ, period. It's the best 120Hz monitor out there. (Not sure why you're worried about the size when you like the size of the 27" monitor, but hey.)

If you're doing work where color-accuracy is important, such as video or image editing, then you want the IPS panels - either of the asus models you linked would be very good options, and it really comes down to what size you want.

I don't know much about monitors, but I do a lot of gaming.

I am a huge graphics whore,. I mainly play Skyrim, minecraft etc, but I do play FPS games like BF3 every now and then.
I'd advise doing a little research on the differences between an IPS monitor and a 120Hz monitor for gaming, then.

I personally am addicted to the smoothness of a 120Hz monitor, and 60Hz feels laggy to me now. (But I know people who are addicted to the color of IPS screens, and can't use any other monitors because they look dull.)