Which set of ram should I get?


Aug 11, 2012
Hey all!

Wanted to see if someone could help me out. I'm trying to decide between two different sets of memory for my build (listed below):

Corsair: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01HKF4ER2/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1475191147&sr=8-8&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=corsair+vengeance+led&dpPl=1&dpID=51N7Sx2zLxL&ref=plSrch

G skill trident Z:


Let me know what you suggest.

Also, build below:

I7 6850k
ASUS x99 deluxe II
Corsair hx1000i
Corsair h115i
Evga gtx 1080 FTW

I'd stick with the Trident listed. Asus doesn't have any Dominator series RAM on their QVL list for a 32GB kit at DDR4-3200, its all LPX RAM. You can roll the dice with a Dominator kit...

Hmm, I always forget to look at the QVL. I guess the reason i posted this thread was also because I am a bit nervous moving to G skill. I have always bought Corsair ram in the past, but recently have heard very good things about G skill, and wanted to change it up.

Is the X99 platform really that picky when it comes to ram?
The g-skill Z is very good ram, in most articles I've read on ram reviews, g-skill has topped corsair in almost every test, also topping Kingston, Patriot, and the rest of the big brands. The Z's closest competitor would be the Dominator line.

The assessment of the psu is correct. You are not setup for full open loop cooling, only have the one gpu, so a quality 650w would be the most needed for that build, including any over the top OC.

Asus boards have been particular about ram since lga775. That had more to do with densities, sides, sizes etc. But still applies to pickyness.

What would you suggest, between the Trident Z i listed (or a different one), or Corsair dominator?


G.Skill has over the last few years become the darling of system builders with their price to performance ratio. I understand being wary of changing over brands (Crucial guy myself), but so far I've seen nothing to suggest any reason to stay way from them. I also like the fact that their RAM modules tend to be a bit on the shorter size so they have less issue with CPU cooler height issues, as opposed to Corsair who seem intent on trying to see just how tall they can make their heatsinks.

As for it being picky... I only have a little bit of forum research and a little bit of personal experience to go with. But yeah I'd say they do. The Asus X99 boards have an increased memory check as part of their boot process (a longer boot time than expected will be normal), and their QVL is pretty short so it seems like the nature of quad channel memory necessitates a more stringent memory selection. That or people some people have just gotten incredibly unlucky in the posts I've seen.

I'd stick with the Trident listed. Asus doesn't have any Dominator series RAM on their QVL list for a 32GB kit at DDR4-3200, its all LPX RAM. You can roll the dice with a Dominator kit, just make sure your vendor has a good return policy just in case (amazon is great). If you run in to problems, all Asus's tech support will tell you is to try RAM off their QVL list.

You're right, I don't want to run into problem's down the road, I guess I just need to suck it up and more away from something I am comfortable with.

Thank you for the prompt, detailed responses. I really appreciate it. This is why this is the only forum i visit when It comes to honest feedback on builds.


Glad to be of help. Honestly, if you still really prefer the Dominator series, you could try writing in to Corsair or checking out their user forums for anyone else that's installed in an Asus X99 board. It may very well work, but its more of a risk. The only real downside is you won't get any real help from Asus if its not on the QVL.

After all the praise that not only you, but other reviews I have read on other sites have given G skill. I would be a fool not to just try it out and see if I like it.

Worst case, I return the Trident Z and go back to corsair (after looking at the QVL 😉 )

Sounds like a good plan. Again, I highly recommend a vendor with a good return policy. If its defective, Amazon will not only do full refund but send you a shipping label. I've had them credit me back the amount the same day an item was shipped out, so they don't even wait to verify the package before issuing a refund. Newegg will do full refund, but makes you pay for shipping it back.
Asus x99 boards have been out a while. Corsair Dominators have been out a while. If they are not in the QVL, it means 1 of 2 things. Either they were tested, but failed to meet specific requirements or they haven't been tested. Considering the length of time they've been out, the fact that both mobo and CD's are top line components that should be paired, I'm kinda leaning towards the prior, that there been tested, and found wanting. Impho.

Well its weird, there are Domintors in the list, just not in the sizes that OP wanted. Oddly in the DDR4-3200 area they had them in 16GB and 64GB configurations, but not in 32GB. But in the DDR-3000 area they have them in 32GB kits. I'd still go with the G.skill because the Dominators seem to have a $100 price increase, but they do exist. Once you get below DDR-3000 the become much easier to find.