Which Skyrim Mods for GTX 770? Plz Help


Dec 13, 2013
Hi there. I need help with Skyrim, I am a newbie when it comes to Skyrim Mods, and have idea which mods to use or which ones I can handle.
I have the HD resolution pack for Skyrim, and it still looks like console graphics.
It's running at like 200 FPS but I want to replace those with better graphics while still running at 40-50 FPS or more.
If there is a complete list of mods I should use to make Skyrim next gen and amazing, I would appreciate it.
I understand there are those ENB and .ini file mods, I dont understand those, they are very confusing, and I don't exactly know what to do or what to get 🙁

Here are my specs:
CPU: Intel Core i7 4770K 3.5 GHz, Overclockable to 3.9 and 4.1 GHZ
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 (It says total available memory 4 GB but Dedicated memory 2GB GDDR5)
RAM: 16 GB
Hard Drive: Solid State Drive
Monitor / Display: 1920 x 1080, 144 Hz, 1 ms response time

I just really want to start playing this game, I bought it almost a month ago and I don't want it to go to waste with bad graphics.

Any help would be appreciated, please and thank you everyone.
I'm an experienced modder who crashes skyrim when using ENB on my GTX570. Does a GTX760 or GTX 770 handle ENB effectively?

EDIT: Nevermind. I see you have your card posted. I'm guessing if a 680 can handle ENB on 1440p then a 760 can handle it on 1080p.

To the OP, ENB is beautiful, definitely try it out. Its a little work getting it set up but so worth it. Makes Skyrim the most beautiful gaming experience I've had to date, especially combined with the other mods Optimus mentions. Shame it lags my game all to bits but I don't yet have the hardware you two have.
The main graphical mods I run are:
Alternative Snow
Claralux Version 2A
Climates of tamriel
prod80's CoT weather patch
Crimson Tide
Enhanced Lighting and Effects
Project Parallax
Pure Waters
Skyrim Distant Detail
Skyrim Flora Overhaul
Skyrim HD 2K textures
Static Mesh Improvement Mod

And the main one:
ENB (in this case I used the quietcool preset then modified it to my own taste)

All these I got from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/?

However it's up to you what mods you like. Most of the mods mentioned have their own list of complimentary mods on the mod page. Just browse the nexus finding things you like. Also don't expect modding to be easy, there is a lot of learning what works and what doesn't work and possibly quite a lot of manual tweaking.

All these I got from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/?

These all run at about 40-60 fps on a GTX 680 at 1440p.
I'm an experienced modder who crashes skyrim when using ENB on my GTX570. Does a GTX760 or GTX 770 handle ENB effectively?

EDIT: Nevermind. I see you have your card posted. I'm guessing if a 680 can handle ENB on 1440p then a 760 can handle it on 1080p.

To the OP, ENB is beautiful, definitely try it out. Its a little work getting it set up but so worth it. Makes Skyrim the most beautiful gaming experience I've had to date, especially combined with the other mods Optimus mentions. Shame it lags my game all to bits but I don't yet have the hardware you two have.