Which slot on the ASUS M5A97 R2.0 does a GTX 970 go in?


Jan 3, 2014
I made a thread earlier in which I inquired about the reason as to why I was getting no more than 60 fps (with v-sync off) in BF4 even on low settings with my GTX 970. Some people told me that my FX-8320 at stock speeds may be bottlenecking it and that I should overclock, but after doing some research, it seems like an FX-8320 should never bottleneck a GTX 970. After doing more research it seems as though if a GFX card is placed in the wrong slot on your mobo, it could hinder its performance. So now I would like to know which slot on the ASUS M5A97 R2.0 the GTX 970 is supposed to go in (the link below is a picture of it). Mine is currently seated in the large dark blue slot just above the two small dark blue slots. Is that the correct one?


Going to test this now.