which SSD 500gb Drive supports UEFI ?


Dec 27, 2014
which SSD 500gb Drive supports UEFI ?
cause I got a Samsung 850 pro 512gb ssd drive and that one samsung does not support UEFI on it or any firmware update for it to support UEFI.

Dude it even says on samsungs website the new SSD drive does not support UEFI !!
didn't you read the tech scripts on the drive ?

and I have Samsung SSD 840 EVO 250Gb which not advanced as the 850 Pro 512gb Samsung drive !!
and that one does support UEFI for the motherboards that have it.
NOT all SSD drives support UEFI systems !!
cause they have to be coded for it doh !!!

theres even some regular hard drives out there that can NOT support UEFI systems bios.
cause they was not coded for it.
thats the very old hard drives that came out when their was NO UEFI bios out !!

and I still have two of those type of old hard drives in storage boxed up.
I have some old pc parts from way back from 1996 !!!
back when all hard drives used ribbon connections....
and was slower in speed and the ribbons was slow as heck too.
and back then you could get a ribbon connection to hold up to 8 to 10 or more drives on one ribbon !!
so you could have 4 slot ribbon connection and have 10 drives on each as long as your power supply could handle them all.
so a total of 40 hard drives on one Full Tower pc system.
See Desktop computers have more power More space then laptops or tablets they can do more !!
and thats why I will always have a Desktop pc as my main computer system and only only use a laptop or tablet for travel pc use only !!!
cause more space and more power is better and laptop or tablet pc can never have as much power as a desktop pc or handle as much ram as a desktop pc can !!
more memory more power !!
more space more power and storage !!
the more hard drives you got the more your pc's default system bandwidth and ram usage will be.
it helps speed up your system by default or you could also edit it in windows settings to use more memory space from the hard drives or SSD drives.
it helps to ease up the stress on your processor.
this was a old trick every one used back in the day years back to speed up their systems more.
and that same trick still applies to today !