Im_Infinity :
DavidHL10 :
Rogue Leader :
Max temp on that processor is 62C, the core temp should be correct. The processor will shut down when it hits 62, so if you ease it up to 4ghz then run prime 95 you should be ok. Try AMD Overdrive as well to check temps that will give you a temperature margin (how much room you have to go) and should be fairly accurate. Also its best to judge the temps under load.
this is?
I need a stability test? Or only run the prime95 and see the temperature with the adm overdrive?
if thats temps while you are playing a game then 35-50 is normal but if thats while idling then its fairly high unless you are using a stock cooler
No, Overdrive shows thermal margin, so those temperatures are the difference between the current temp of the CPU and the max temperature (for this one 62C). So in this case Overdrive is showing the CPU cores to be running at about 17C which is very good.
Overdrive has a logging feature that you can run while you run Prime 95 to show you a max, min, and average thermal margin. If the thermal margin gets really low (like 5 or 10) then you're really driving it hard, but in this case I doubt you'll hit that. I'd suggest using that if you want to be sure, but this seems more than fine to me for idle temps. And 4 ghz isn't a huge overclock over what its at now, the turbo mode likely brings it over 4 anyway. I think you're good.