Which upgrade is best?


Jan 9, 2012
My current build
- CPU i5-2500K 3400mhz
- Gigabyte GA-Z68AP-D3
- 8gb ram ddr3 1600mhz kingston
- Nvidia Gforce GTX570 1280MB DDR5
- 120gb SSD Samsung EVO (for OS and Adobe programs)
- 500gb HDD (for everything else)

I want to upgrade my build in order to get more FPS in games such as BF4
I want to upgrade my build in order to work faster in Adobe programs (Premiere Pro)

Which upgrade/upgrades would you guys recommend in order to boost this build with a budget on proximally 500$?

New CPU? New GPU? and if i choose new CPU will my mobo and GPU work with that as well?
Im not 100% "educated" in this area.

your CPU is plenty fine for most current generation games, especially if you over clock it.
a faster GPU would give you your best performance gain.

the GTX 970 is a great option at $340.
your CPU is plenty fine for most current generation games, especially if you over clock it.
a faster GPU would give you your best performance gain.

the GTX 970 is a great option at $340.
Same here w/ GPU. 1,280 MB of VRAM is pretty low compared to what games use these days and what the rest of your PC is capable of. A GTX 970 or 980 would almost quadruple your VRAM and significantly increase overall gaming performance while at the same time reducing your energy consumption.

Thought of upgrading GPU. But how about upgrading CPU for i7 ? I've heard its way better for video edititing.
Will upgrading to i7 also improve gaming?

I agree with SR-71 Blackbird. Your i5 2500k is solid today.

I'm not sure how much of a gain you will get in video editing using an i5 vs i7 honestly.

with how much hardware acceleration video editors have these days i haven't noticed much difference between an i5 and i7 when editing. it's only on the final encode where i7's plow ahead.