Which Video Card?


Jun 14, 2003
After reading that massive post with Half-Life 2 images and upgrades. This is my current System Setup:

Intel Pentium 4 - 3.0GHz, 800MHz FSB - Hyperthreading
MSI 865PE Neo2-S Motherboard
512mb DDR Kingmax, 400Mhz, PC3200
Western Digital 80gb, 7200RPM HDD
Seagate 80gb, 7200RPM HDD
Sound Blaster Audigy
Antec 1080AMG Case /w Antec 430 PSU & 5 Fans

And below are my video Card Choices. I was originally going to get the MSI GeForce 4 Ti4800SE.. But for an extra $26.40

MSI GeForce 4 Ti4800SE (Direct X 8) Card for $313.50
Ti4800SE Specs: 128MB DDR, 8X AGP, DVI & Dual Display

S-Media nVidea GeForce FX 5600 (Direct X 9) Card for $339.90
FX 5600 Specs: 128MB DDR with DVI & TV Out, VIVO, 8X AGP

I dont know, apparently in issue #89 of PCPP magazine, the S-Media nVidia GeForce FX 5600 video Card got: (Power: 3 Value: 3 Extras: 3). It got 93 FPS in UT2003 on an AMD XP 2600+ in 1024x768 - high detail with 512mb ddr 400mhz ram. Only got 93 FPS.... ...My interest is that its a DX9 Card and it will support those tiny little extra for Half-Life 2 when it comes, but when I checked some other vga charts from toms hardware, the GF4 Ti4400 got 119.2 FPS which is basically the GF4 Ti4800SE video card I was thinking of getting except with 8x AGP. And it got 119.2 FPS running on an AMD XP2700+ 512MB DDR 333mhz, in 1024x768/32bit/60hz in UT 2003.. So whats the story morning glory?

Apparently from what I seen the GF4 Ti4800SE gives more FPS in the same game, same res, same high detail, slightly better CPU, but not as good ram as the ram used on the PCPP test with the GeForce FX 5600 card.

So what should I go for? Get the S-Media nVidia GeForce FX 5600 (DX9) Card or the MSI GeForce 4 Ti4800SE (DX8) Card?


Here's the noise level difference between the GF FX and the Radeon 9700..

<A HREF="http://www6.tomshardware.com/graphic/20030127/images/geforcefx-boot-hq.mp3" target="_new">geforcefx-boot-hq.mp3</A> - The GeForceFX booting up. The fan revs up and then reduces its rotation speed in 2D mode.
<A HREF="http://www6.tomshardware.com/graphic/20030127/images/geforcefx-3dmark-hq.mp3" target="_new">geforcefx-3dmark-hq.mp3</A> - GeForceFX 3D Performance Mode. A 3D application starts up, and then we go back to the desktop (i.e., 3D Mark starts and ends). The card switches to 3D Performance Mode, and the fan increases its rotation speed. Afterwards, it slowly reduces speed when returning to 2D Desktop Mode.
<A HREF="http://www6.tomshardware.com/graphic/20030127/images/r9700-boot-hq.mp3" target="_new">r9700-boot-hq.mp3</A> - Radeon 9700 booting up. The PC is booted. The recording level and the microphone position are the same.

Naturally, the noise level in this recording depends on the playback volume. A good approach for the correct sound volume is the beep of your PC case when it powers on (with an open case).

This was with the GF FX 5800, is the 5600 just like the 5800 with sound? if so, screw that, but if not, and if its quieter, i'll get it no problems, but until then, is the 5600 also worth getting over the gf4 ti4800se as I listed above in my first post.

Oh, and if anyone has a GeForce FX 5600, please contact me and let me know how loud it really is please!

ICQ: 4694791
MSN: facz0r@msn.com

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by nutsak on 07/14/03 10:52 AM.</EM></FONT></P>


Mar 4, 2003
I get well over 120 FPS with my 9500 Pro....I suggest trying that. Of course, if you have to go with nVidia...the best bang for the buck right now is probably the 4200. You can OC this baby up to the specs of the 4800/4600 no problem and it doesn't have heat issues and it can be made stable with little effort. I'd go with that and spend less money for the same thing. That way you can save up and get a really good Dx9 card to max out Doom III and Halo 2 when they come out.

<font color=red>To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.</font color=red>
<font color=green>Farmers' Almanac, 1978</font color=green>



Jan 4, 2003
man FX5600 sucks, dont even think about getting it, if you're getting a killer rig, get a killer card.....FX5900 Ultra or 9800pro other wise, find yourself a Radeon 9600pro or 9700pro, unless u can find FX5600 Ultra Rev 2.0 dont think about getting a 5600.

Proud Owner the Block Heater
120% nVidia Fanboy
I'd get a nVidia GeForce FX 5900Ultra... if i had the money and if THEY WOULD CHANGE THAT #()#@ HSF


If you wnat to play half-life 2 with your system, but you don't have the cash for a 5900 or 9800, why not get a 9700 non-pro?

Radeon 9500 w/256 bit memory bus @ 367/310
AMD AthlonXP 2000+
3dMark03: 3439


Jun 14, 2003
At the moment ATi Radeon's are much better than the GeForce FX cards at current. Although, nvidia has been leading the market for quite a few years and must of slacked off a bit, then ATi popped in and create brilliant cards that out performed nvidia cards. And i'm thinking, well, i'll just go get my DirectX 8.1 Compatible video card, the GeForce 4 Ti4800SE card, kepp that for a year odd then go out and buy an up to date Direct X 9 based video card seeing as to after the release of Half-Life 2, alot of companies will probably end up making Direct X 9 compatible games, which will require a direct x 9 related video card from the game designers point of view to see how the game is ment to be played.


Jun 14, 2003
So, you think it would be worth it me getting the GeForce 4 Ti4800SE for now, and in a years time better cards will be on the market which will allow me to buy a Direct X 9 compatible video card with pixel shaders 2.0+ or more, seeing as its a years time blah blah blah..