Question Which wattage Moza Base is best for a Moza Truck Wheel for Euro / American Truck Simulator?

Jan 4, 2025
Hi all

I just bought this Moza Truck Wheel:

I was wondering what the best Moza base was for it? I can go right up to the R21 and will do so happily if there is a good reason.

But all I hear about is peoples experience of more powerful bases on racing games. Truck sim is very different. I hear nothing on what base for a truck sim anywhere on the net.
Moza Wheel Bases:

What would be the best Wheel Base for ATS / ETS2?

Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Looking at this;
might as well get the R5 DD base, since you already have the wheel, thought that bundle seems like a worthwhile purchase.
Thanks mate.

Hmmm, I feel the R5 may be running at 100%. I think Id prefer to run something at around 66-75%.

Yeah I saw the bundle. Id probs sell the R5 and upgrade.