While PSU is plugged in periphrials flash on and off, pc won't start.


Feb 22, 2015
While my PSU is plugged in and the switch on the back is flipped on, my LED mouse will flash, my headset will constantly make the noise it makes when loosing power, and my case fans twitch. Nothing besides those 3 things.

While my computer is doing this I can't turn on the PC, and sometimes if I press the power button the flashing will completely stop and I won't have any power until I reflip the switch in back.

This seems to be triggered at random, I fixed it the first time by unplugging the molex from the case fans. This last time that didn't work, I had to unplug modular molex from my PSU then reflip switch, then plug molex back in, then the case fans.

So, is my PSU to blame? My molex cable? Maybe my case fans? Something else?

If you can help me that would be great, my parts list can be found here http://pcpartpicker.com/b/XFhqqs , ignore my silly description the parts are to the left side.

I don't have a spare unfortunately, but my comp runs fine after it starts up., Is it safe to run it until new psu, or is there a way to find out?

Thanks for the speedy answers everyone.

I can do this again to be sure, but while I was build the comp I posted after every part, and nothing weird happened until I plugged in case fans. (I posted in case, and then with fans) I just kinda forgot about that instance because it when away by toggling the PSU switch and only the case fans were affected (no headset or mouse plugged in during posts) . I only just connected the dots.

I will test board again, but until then is it safe to use? I've been using for 3 day, the first happened 3 days ago, this happened today. No problems in between.
When you turn on the PC and the lights on your peripherals flash does any LEDs on the motherboard flash? I don't know about your ASRock board but on my Asus there is a little LED next to each of the major component slots and they flash as each is checked upon boot (Green if its fine, red if there's an error). Otherwise are there any beep/post codes when you try to boot up your pc?

No lights on my board unfortunately, if its any help HDD light doesn't flash. Nothing but the 3 things I mentioned are perceptually affected.

S340, I never thought of avoiding molex like that, In guess thats why I'm on this board. I'll give it a try.

Time to shovel slush off my driveway, be back in 30.