

Anyone around here running Whistler? I just received a BETA (Build 2416) and was wondering if anyone running it had a specific tips before and during installation.

-MP Jesse
just curious, how exactly did you get your beta? I had a friend that ran beta 3 of Windows 98 way back when. Ive always wanted to beta test the new stuff, just havent found out were to sign up.
We (the Dept. of Defense) are official BETA testers for just about anything. But, BETA versions for just about every operating system are obtainable on usenet =) Little difficult to get- but not impossible.

-MP Jesse
I have also got that beta.

I had a little problem with the installation, I tried to do a clean install directly from the CD but somehow the installation program said there were some files missing in the CD, I ignored it and once I installed it I got lots of problems, I couldn't open system propieties or the Internet Explorer.

I formatted the partition, installed Win98 SE, copied Whistler to the HD and updated it, it worked all right.

It is quite slow compared with Win2k, but note I am running a P200 MMX with 64 mb of RAM.
IE 6.0 usually hangs when you get into web sites which use flash.

Don't you think that M$ shouldn't charge people for trying their software and helping to improve it?
Have no idea where did you get 2416 "beta", as far as I know there was only beta 1 release till now. In March they are going to give away beta 2, so it is really strange that you have something in between... hehe

By the way, you will drop your jaw when you'll see beta 2 stuff... hehe

K7 + KT7 + MX300 + VooDoo3000 = :smile:
As far as I know the 2416 version is an improved beta 1, but in some screens it says beta 2.