Whistling sound coming from PC


May 11, 2012
Ever since I built my computer there has been an occasional 'whistling' sound coming from it.

It is a continuous whistle that alternates slightly in pitch which lasts a few seconds then goes away each time. I can't quite pinpoint where it is coming from.

My system is stable and there only problems I have ever had are 1 pure red screen (from monitoring apps I heard) and daily gpu driver crashes.

The CPU fan is running at a regular speed when it happens.

It sounds like a kettle boiling but much less quieter. Recently formatted, whistling and driver crashes persist.

Generally only happens after the PC has been on for 4-5+ hours.

Any help would be great. When it happens again I'll try and pinpoint where it coming from.


CPU: 3770k
CPU Cooler: Hyper 212 EVO
GPU: Gigabyte gtx670 OC
Mobo: ga-z77x-ud3h
I've had this issue a number of times over the years. The last time I really noticed it was with my old gigabyte skt1156 board. In some games' loading screens it was unbearable.

I've since upgraded to all my kit, from mobo and cpu to gfx card and psu. I still notice a slight noise sometimes, but it's nowhere near as bad.

I too went through all my kit at the time, thinking it was the PSU. I changed that first, no difference, then I upgraded my GFX card, still no change. In the end it was replacing the mobo (and cpu, but I don't think that was at issue) that fixed it for me.

And so you know, it sounded just like your second vid.
if it a fan issue or just a fan..you can see if it the gpu fan buy using msi afterburner and turning the gpu fan up. most people going to say is get a ppaler town tun and see if you can pin point it that way. I would check to see if you have active or passive cooling on your power supply. if it passive it might be the power supply fan your hearing when it spins up. hardware monitor will help you see if it a temp issue with your pc or a voltage issue with your power supply.
I've only ever heard it while I'm not in games and the CPU is not under load.

Just checked CPU thermal paste and it all ok. Cpu temp is fine.

The PSU has a fan.

Maybe it is a squeaky fan,it's just that there first thing that pops into mind when I hear it is something sizzling or whistling like it's boiling.

edit: just checked mobo capacitors, no bulging or leakage present
I've had this issue a number of times over the years. The last time I really noticed it was with my old gigabyte skt1156 board. In some games' loading screens it was unbearable.

I've since upgraded to all my kit, from mobo and cpu to gfx card and psu. I still notice a slight noise sometimes, but it's nowhere near as bad.

I too went through all my kit at the time, thinking it was the PSU. I changed that first, no difference, then I upgraded my GFX card, still no change. In the end it was replacing the mobo (and cpu, but I don't think that was at issue) that fixed it for me.

And so you know, it sounded just like your second vid.
I'm not sure. I had no end of issues with that old board. My rig would hard reset without warning in some games, and BSOD or lock up in others.

I wasn't to happy about the shutting down malarkey (repeatedly hard resetting the machine whilst it's running can never be a good thing), so that was the reason for replacing it.

I would say that it's probably okay for now, but if you start to notice more and more errors, the machine resetting itself a lot etc., then it might be prudent to look at upgrading/replacing some parts. I can only go off my experience here, so for me, I'd be looking at the mobo first.
The thing is this computer is only about 2 weeks old. I've only heard the noise about 3-4 instances during that time. System runs totally beautifully otherwise, was just wanting to make sure that noise wasn't anything damaging. From I can deduce from online documents on the matter is it's just an annoyance, just wanting to make sure though.
I was having the same problem. And I finally managed to fix it just a few minutes ago. Turns out that my pc's microphone boost in the sound settings was higher than the default level, so it was feedbacking its own sound and amplifying it. xD I lol'd so hard when I found what the problem was. xD
I had a similar problem with my GPu.. "Coil whine" as its referred to was only occuring while in game-menu etc. just like in the first YT vid. posted.. I started Dxtory to see fps count and when it went to like 2000 to 7000 I already knew where s the problem.. I had to download an nvidia inspector and set a custom profile to lock fps at 118 (giving a total of 125 lock) what did the trick for me.. Then I threw the custom profile to Startup Delayer software so it starts with windows applying the profile and I never heard that awful sound again..