I have a Phanteks Eclipse(smoked window, black interior, white exterior), going for a black/white theme with a Krait mb, Corsair Vengeance black/white(2 sticks each, and this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127833 and am torn between Hue + or Bitfenix white. The problem with Bitfenix is you can't control the brightness and they stay on. The problem with Hue + is white is bluish white with the RGB. There is the possibility of going with Hue and Bitfenix and remove blue wire from connector.https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/166503-hzxt-hue-bitfenix-led-strips/ It's a fine line between too little light and white washing the motherboard.