White lines on screen


Mar 19, 2017

I have been using my gtx 970 for almost 2 years and few weeks ago my screen just went black and all I could see was one or 2 horizontal lines. I sent the gpu so that the shop could repair it but they couldn't so I got a giftcard in return.

Today I went and bought gtx 1070, plugged it in and played a game for about 10 min when the exact same thing happened again, screen went black. I restarted the computer and now all I see is horizontal lines: https://i.gyazo.com/4c6eea3def85c147b30bcd91152533d6.jpg

I tried placing the card in pci x8 instead and started the game again, played about 10min and the same thing happened again...

Computer works with the HDMI cable inserted in the moterhboard.

Does someone know what could be causing this?

I plugged the GPU and installed the latest driver right at the start. I have not tested DVI, need to see if I have the cable.