Who are these guys?

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Today, the entire planet is shaky, the US needs to get its spending and its economy positioned correctly, and with these dire needs obvious to all, we have this:

Now, I suppose alot of people would argue for this, maybe even in these times, but as many have pointed out, theres jobs out there, some of them hard to do, while the US is the fattest of the fat cats, its no wonder people are getting fat, because weve had Tony around for a loooong time, but just recently had a ton of fatties (not proud at being No.1 obese country)

Anyways, why do we spend the time on this trivia?
Dont our elected officials have real work to do?
And, if this for volunteers, why are these businesses so worried about repercussions?
I say, either get to work, as theyre getting fat on doing alot of frivilousness, or get out
It's about controlling behavior. Look at the recent move by Denmark to tax foods high in fats. A government can claim public health concerns and the proponents of national health care can claim it will reduce the overall costs of supplying national health care; but ultimately, what it comes down to is controlling the behavior of the consumer, regulating industry, and raising tax revenue.

To the naysayers, please do not attempt to dispute this, there is plenty of precedent and documentation that shows taxes and subsidies is a means for government to control consumer behavior and regulate the market.

Marketing is a powerful tool. Don't forget that a lot of additives are mildly addictive.

Wouldn't you want your government to remove harmful products? If someone doesn't know how to eat properly or refuses YOU are going to be paying for his diabetes meds, wheelchair, operations etc later in life. This follows the same mentality as not letting people smoke crack or shoot heroin. They arent hurting anyone but themselves but the impact on society is notable.

The government shouldnt be able to tax my cigs either by your mentality.

Remember when doctors said cigarettes weren't harmful?

Didnt we have a fat kid thread a while back?
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