who is Jesus to you?

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Jesus works in my neighborhood cutting grass and blowing away grass clippings. He's a hard worker, probably not legal, but I'd like to see him a legal citizen because of his work ethic. I'm not happy how he got hear, but then again I'm not happy how our gov't makes it difficult for immigrants to come here.

What did Jesus do for me? The various Jesuses I know work in the meat packing plant, put on roofs, build houses, and mow lawns. I live at the edge of town and most of the Jesuses live downtown closer to work so they don't have to drive, because most of them can't get a license or register a car since they are here illegally. So I can't say I am too close to Jesus.
Kid, (I think that is what you are at least to be safe,) many people have proselytized on here, nobody really cares.

We've had Muslims, Atheists, Jews( well maybe not,) Christians...yet, we all still believe in what we want.

I believe Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, but many disagree with me...and that is okay. I will believe what I want and I shall let them. it is not my job to convert them.
I don't think any of you quiet understand. did i try to convert you. Know not at all. The question was What has Jesus Christ done for you?
As for gropouce Jesus is alive. Now that you understand the question answer it but remember this is Jesus Christ we speak of.

My apologies, but I don't think you'll find many people here who will respond to you non-sarcastically.

Brother, I admire your courage and faith; however, you must realise there are many here that will not speak of the good the Lord has done for us. It is a human condition. They have the freedom to say as they please. I pray you understand.

The Lord has blessed me in many ways. Family, a job, a great country with many a good people. Solace in His peace if I may say.

You'll need to say a little more if you want us to have a conversation.
What allowed you to say that Jesus is not dead? Only say he is not would have been enough if we were 8 years old (and a half).

My answer to your question is quite simple. What Jesus has done for me? Nothing.
Because life is short and i don't want to waste my time, talking to someone who isn't here and asking him to help me as a little egocentric.
Christian? You mean you guys dont do blood sacrifice to Quetzalcoatl? Thats why your crops keep dieing.

As for Jesus being alive I think Arnold Swarzenegger sums it up best "If it bleeds, we can kill it", and kill it they certainly did. A lot of the new testament fan fic stuff showed JC dieing at the end...unless youre a Mormon then you'd think Jesus came to live with the Indians.

In all seriousness though Jesus is the ONLY good thing going for Christians. If you look at exactly what his writing staff gave him for lines they are all very... reasonable. He doesnt have an opinion on gays, doesnt support the wearing of silly golden clothes like Mr. Pope, and he preached alot of hippy stuff like peace and love. But his "Followers" have done some very bad things, and I think you could have the debate whether or not religion has been a net benefit or net loss.

On a serious note, this is a pretty salient point about religion. In general the principles espoused by most of the major religions are fine- be nice to other people, don't defraud others, don't get too full of yourself, you are responsible for your actions, etc. The problem is that organized religion tends to be quite problematic as it becomes a government of sorts, either de facto or literally. You get a lot of "us versus them" and a varying lack of tolerance/antagonism to people with other belief systems. That's where you get the cultural warfare (in non-theocracies like the U.S.) or actual fighting and warfare (in theocracies like in the Middle East and Africa.)

I think Mohandas Gandhi summed this up quite well:

I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ."
Well said! +1

I often notice people confusing the premise of religious teachings as found in the various sacred texts and the interpretation of those writings by organized religion. Man is fallible and bound to his ego and it is inherently difficult to resolve the ego with the behaviors demonstrated in the sacred texts.

Sir i have two answers to what you just said.
What is wasting your life? What do you think happens when you die? do you sit there and rot forever? No that would be a waste. Go to the link it will explain what happened http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgpZsgvErGU

Somebody's come back from the dead and the best that they can do is make a YT vid? How gullible do you have to be to swallow that! :lol:
Philosophy then:

I believe that it is OK, to not know. Some of us would like to believe but, know too much to consider faith. Most of us would like to know one way or the other and then there are those of us who could really care less about the whole thing as long as it doesn't involve us, too much.
We already surrender the fact that with so many legislators claiming beliefs that we are inevitably caught up and affected by other's beliefs on some level.

When you refuse to declare a belief in the armed forces, your dog-tag will read NORELPREF or No Religious Preference which I feel is under-represented in our government.
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