Why am i getting lag spikes? call of duty ww2!


Oct 22, 2017
OK this is so annoying... i have a GTX 1060 GB
I5 4670K

i am getting about 120 fps on ultra at 1440p but every 10-20 seconds i will get an insane lag spike that lasts for around 1-4 seconds.... can anyone help!
dl the latest DDU cleaner, and the latest driver.

uninstall all Nv related software/driver.
reboot into safe mode (if possible), run ddu (clean and shutdown)
and let it remove EVERYTHING Nv related (change settings to include the moni and amd)

boot and install the latest Nv driver, select custom install, uncheck 3d stuff, also mark for clean install (removes game profiles),
and go from there...

if, its vram, not ram related.

i dont see a 1060 getting +120fps , is it a gtx1080?
if not, the 6gb vram are NOT enough for ultra@1440p, since it requires about 6.5-6.8gb already @1080p
and 1440p usually even more (around 6.9 to 7ish).

this would mean the card is swapping stuff and could cause the spikes.
when i play, no mater if its at 720p or 4K i get good 60fps or so but get INSANE lag spikes... the only thing i know its not.... is my graphics card
I get this wierd lag spikes on a lot of games like BF1 and even Fortnite..... its like my parts are slower then someone elses identical specs!
dl the latest DDU cleaner, and the latest driver.

uninstall all Nv related software/driver.
reboot into safe mode (if possible), run ddu (clean and shutdown)
and let it remove EVERYTHING Nv related (change settings to include the moni and amd)

boot and install the latest Nv driver, select custom install, uncheck 3d stuff, also mark for clean install (removes game profiles),
and go from there...
