Why am I getting Low FPS in Every Game?


Jul 12, 2016
I'm getting below my CPU frames in games like; CSGO, League of Legends, Payday 2, Rocket League, Overwatch. Less than 100FPS in each. Average 40-65 FPS no VSYNC

My Specs Are:
CPU: AMD A10 5800K APU
Motherboard: Gigabyte F2A68HM-DS2
RAM: ADATA XPG 8GB's of Ram (4GBx2)
PSU: Corsair CX600W
Hard Drive: 500GB Western Digital Blue

Note: I brought the GPU in and it's fine when they tested it in another computer.
No no no, you buying an FX would be going from a bad CPU, to an even worse CPU.

I'd look into
1.) Download DDU, run the thing, clear everything, and reinstall just the latest NVidia drivers.
2.) Mildly overclocking your APU, because why not. If you buy a CPU cooler which would be $30-35, not $300, you can probably hit some pretty nutty overclocks.
3.) Overclock the GTX950. Because why not.
4.) Turn down graphics settings. Any A10 should be able to run CSGO/Overwatch on ridiculously high framerates at 1080p, but I haven't seen people list what settings they use on that hardware.

There are crazier things you can do, but they're not recommended.

What do you suggest I upgrade to? I have a 300$ budget

Is a FX 6300/6350 a better solution? The holiday sales are still going on. It wouldn't be a problem to get a new MOBO and CPU
No no no, you buying an FX would be going from a bad CPU, to an even worse CPU.

I'd look into
1.) Download DDU, run the thing, clear everything, and reinstall just the latest NVidia drivers.
2.) Mildly overclocking your APU, because why not. If you buy a CPU cooler which would be $30-35, not $300, you can probably hit some pretty nutty overclocks.
3.) Overclock the GTX950. Because why not.
4.) Turn down graphics settings. Any A10 should be able to run CSGO/Overwatch on ridiculously high framerates at 1080p, but I haven't seen people list what settings they use on that hardware.

There are crazier things you can do, but they're not recommended.

When I open task manager. I have 2 cores and 4 virtual is this normal? And I run the games at low settings because I get bad FPS
Any other CPU i can get? I5?

2 cores and 4 virtual is exactly what you have. AMD has been pushing these module-based architectures for the past 6 years. Look into it. It's exactly the reason I don't recommend anyone ever buy an FX CPU for gaming.

Any other CPU you can get? I'd wait until kaby lake has launched, which should be soon~ish. By then, your budget will probably have changed as well. Waiting for Zen, I mean Ryzen, would be like waiting for the rainbow after a hurricane... if the hurricane hasn't already killed you and left you with more problems to worry about. If you absolutely must buy something today, there's two paths you can take. Option one, you can save everything except CPU and motherboard, so that would be something like an i5 4590 and a B85 or H81 motherboard, and reuse the RAM you already have. RAM prices have been skyrocketing the past couple months, so this option lets you spend less. Option two, you can't save your RAM either, but you'd be more ready for future iterations of hardware and pay more upfront, with something like an i5 6500, an H110 or B150 motherboard, and some DDR4 RAM.

Up to you. I'd wait for the next gen stuff to get released and reviewed before making a final decision.