Why am I only getting hard page faults only on Win7 (and not Win10)?

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Oct 29, 2017
This is what LatencyMon looks like while gaming:

1) 1st page: https://imgur.com/a/ijZ6z
2) Page fault page: https://imgur.com/a/cSftW

while windows 10 dual-booting on the same system shows this:
1)1st page: https://imgur.com/a/1GZ1d
2) Page fault page: https://imgur.com/a/DgQZl

The information online regarding page faults is really lacking (to say the least), I just want to game on windows 7 because I prefer that OS more. But these page faults are causing so much stutter that they render gaming useless.

I've tried installing windows again over 10 times (no kidding), all sorts of drivers (NEW AND OLD) and a TON of optimizations.

Oh,and these are my specs:
Mobo: MSI Z270-A Pro
CPU: Intel i5 7600k @stock
Ram: 2x4GB Vengeance DDR4 @ 3000 MHZ (XMP enabled)
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 660 (I know it's not incredible, but I get enough FPS in csgo. CSGO is more CPU-bound anyway)
SSD: Samsung 850 EVO (both OSes are on it)

Thanks in advance!
First off, page faults are normal and expected, so I don't see an issue there.

Secondly, are you alt-tabbing out of games to check latency? I remember seeing an investigation where they found that it was only the alt-tabbing out a full screen application that was causing spikes in latency to be measured.

Lastly, what is your actual issue? You didn't say anything about your actual performance or user experience being affected.

You must be talking about this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTadHMK3ELs
The dude is invested reported dpc routine execution time (2nd one from the bottom) and in my case those readings are absolutely fine. The page faults cause a ton of stutter in-game (especially when shooting the gun and in intense situations like that)


I've used Zeffy patch to get Windows 7 updates and here is what I've got installed: https://imgur.com/a/7oU7Z

The only updates that I don't have installed are the Windows Malicious Software Removal tool and KB 971033.
My Win10 is also pirated (from the same "user" that posted the Win7 .iso on one of the torrenting forums, but Windows 10 is just flawless). Like I DON'T GET IT!

I've tried getting a "clean" iso image on the interwebs, don't have any more space on the SSD so I installed it on the HDD. God, those updates never stuck, one of them completely getting stuck upon download and application (before shutdown). Got so tilted I formatted the drive after 3 helpless evenings.

The only thing left is to try and download an untouched ISO and try to update it, but sheeesh, not even sure if it's going to work.
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