Why are Intel processors generally better for gaming?


Aug 1, 2013
I've noticed that when comparing competing Intel and AMD CPUs based on gaming performance (especially CPU intensive games, such as MMORPGs or Simulation), Intel seems to have a fair lead, even with lower clock rates, number of physical cores (I understand most games don't make use of more than one or two cores) or cache memory, assuming neither system is being bottlenecked by RAM, GPU or any other kind of resources.

Can someone give me a technical answer for what exactly makes Intel CPUs have better single thread performance than AMD equivalents?
Actually single core efficiency is still important for today's games, developing a game to use multi cores of a cpu hasnt been popular yet. The number of games that require more than 4 cores is still very few. Generally intel concentrates on improving single core performance, whereas, AMD concentrates on improving multicore performances. As AMD processors have weaker single core performance and most of games do not use more than 2/3 cores, this is why Intel is doing very good job. If any game can be developed to use all the cores of a cpu, definitely it will do very good job on AMD cpus. Remember? FX 8350 gave almost same fps as i7-4960x in Crysis 3 (with GTX 680), because C3 could use all the cores of a cpu.
It is just the difference in design. AMD's current cpu's also have a core design that has some parts shared(so each module of 2 cores is not 2 "full" cores. It is still more of 2 cores than hyper threading however.).

It is kind of like asking why TV brand XXX has better picture then TV YYY. In the end for many people(not the hardcore clearly), the difference will not be noticeable.

AMD still does offer great performance for the price. Many times the boards are also cheaper for the feature sets.
Actually single core efficiency is still important for today's games, developing a game to use multi cores of a cpu hasnt been popular yet. The number of games that require more than 4 cores is still very few. Generally intel concentrates on improving single core performance, whereas, AMD concentrates on improving multicore performances. As AMD processors have weaker single core performance and most of games do not use more than 2/3 cores, this is why Intel is doing very good job. If any game can be developed to use all the cores of a cpu, definitely it will do very good job on AMD cpus. Remember? FX 8350 gave almost same fps as i7-4960x in Crysis 3 (with GTX 680), because C3 could use all the cores of a cpu.
well, the clock speed, such as 4.2ghz or 3.4ghz is very misleading. usually, an amd chip is faster performing, but intel can handle work much better. an analogy is amd is like an formula 1 race car, and intel is like a truck, and the work (such as a game) is 2,000 pounds of cargo to move. amd, or the formula 1 race car is way faster, but it cant carry much cargo. intel/the truck is a slower clock speed, but takes care of work much faster.

Agree with Danbuscus25,

AMD is faster, but Intel is stronger.