Particularly for 3d modelling software such as Autodesk Maya and 3ds max, why is it that macs are the first go to solution? Majority of modelling programs that are available for mac are also available for windows. Some are even available for Linux. What's in the mac os x OS (because hardware is the same as a pc) that makes it better suited for this? If anything when I researched online, in my opinion, I am seeing it as something to make it worse. The 3d modelling softwares, such as Autodesk maya use OpenGL. The OpenGL version on macs are dependant on the version of OS X, so until a new os x update comes out you are stuck with that version of opengl. This is the same for video drivers, they are dependant on the version of os x and can not be updated manually. Yet, when I looked at a benchmark on Blender, mac was second behind Linux with having a lower amount of time rendering than on windows 7. I find this quite interesting
Another thing about being stuck on a version of opengl is "apparently" why the gaming developers aren't enthusiastic to move to mac. Opengl drivers from amd and nvidia are themselves not too great (this is what I have found in googling) with amd having the worst. If both gaming and 3d software use opengl why would it still lead in one of these categories and not in both?
Note I am not trying to be biased and everything I have written here has come from many other sources, so it's not really single sided on just me. If some information is wrong please point it out, I am not all knowing.
Another thing about being stuck on a version of opengl is "apparently" why the gaming developers aren't enthusiastic to move to mac. Opengl drivers from amd and nvidia are themselves not too great (this is what I have found in googling) with amd having the worst. If both gaming and 3d software use opengl why would it still lead in one of these categories and not in both?
Note I am not trying to be biased and everything I have written here has come from many other sources, so it's not really single sided on just me. If some information is wrong please point it out, I am not all knowing.