[SOLVED] Why are my CPU temperatures so high after reapplying thermal paste

Feb 19, 2019
So, recently I decided to reapply my thermal paste because I had some issues with the temperatures. After I did that, my idle temperatures rose up to (60-65c). I decided to see if I had installed my stock cooler correctly (what I did was to clean the 'old' thermal paste and install my cooler correctly this time) and my cpu temperatures got even worse (80c while being idle).
Note: I forgot to say that I didnt put much thermal paste (a pea)
Carefully undo the other 3 pins, then seat the problem pin 1st as it'll not have any stress on it then. Then seat the opposite pin. Then the diagonal 2x. While you probably did do your best if that 1 pin isn't fully secure, your temps will be nuts.
Stock cooler? I'd check the pins, those are known to break and if one has, the pressure from the other 3 will warp the seat so the cooler doesn't sit correctly. It may even be that the pins aren't fully seated, stock coolers are not easy to get seated right.
To be honest, I had some issues with one of the pins. No, it wasn't broken nor it broke, I just couldn't fit my hand between the RAM and the cooler. So, I did my best to seat it properly.
Carefully undo the other 3 pins, then seat the problem pin 1st as it'll not have any stress on it then. Then seat the opposite pin. Then the diagonal 2x. While you probably did do your best if that 1 pin isn't fully secure, your temps will be nuts.
Carefully undo the other 3 pins, then seat the problem pin 1st as it'll not have any stress on it then. Then seat the opposite pin. Then the diagonal 2x. While you probably did do your best if that 1 pin isn't fully secure, your temps will be nuts.
IT WORKED! Thank you very much!! You helped me out A LOT!