Question why are my headset cups greasy on the outside you know why?

Apr 29, 2024
this always happens before i put them on. then my fingers are greasy. what is this happening anybody know? this is the first pair of headsets this has ever happened to! should i keep wearing them?
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Oct 11, 2023
Is the plastic itself actually sweating something? It's rare, but I have seen really cheap plastic develop a greasy sheen before. What headphones are these?
Apr 29, 2024
Is the plastic itself actually sweating something? It's rare, but I have seen really cheap plastic develop a greasy sheen before. What headphones are these?
they are razer synapse headset. the plastic itself on the outside cups is more like a oil. it just dont seem normal. the headset i bought these quite a while ago they are a very good sound with very good specs. i dont have the specs right this moment im sorry. but im gonna listen to what you and anybody else thinks about this. have you ever heard of this happening to anybody else? thank you. i looked them over they are still in very good condition, other then the oil.


Regarding: "they are razer synapse headset".

The packaging and headset may be thus labled but labels can be and are faked.

Where were the headsets purchased? Could be counterfeit and substandard to the real product.

Any remaining warranty? Consider returning the headset accordingly - manufacturing defect perhaps....
Apr 29, 2024
Regarding: "they are razer synapse headset".

The packaging and headset may be thus labled but labels can be and are faked.

Where were the headsets purchased? Could be counterfeit and substandard to the real product.

Any remaining warranty? Consider returning the headset accordingly - manufacturing defect perhaps....
i bought them at a reputable store. when i paid for them they asked me if i wanted the extented warranty i said no. i bought them about two years ago. i dont even know if i have the receipt. this did not start happening right away so i dont know.


Even reputable stores can unknowingly have defective or counterfeit products.

There is a long supply chain that goes all the way from manufacturers and their suppliers, to distributors, wholesalers, warehousing, retailers, etc..

Lots of opportunities for shady or outright criminal activities.

And many industries are getting very good at "planned obsolenscence", finding cheaper and cheaper ways to make things, deliberately allow degrading (e.g., less rust protection for metal products), unglueable plastics, and overall profit via designed in EOL (End of Life).

As for extended warranties - very likely anything that happens will not be covered if the proverbial fine print is carefully read. Rarely worth the cost.

To be somewhat helpful continue to try to find some way to clean off or remove the greasiness. The material is likely to be degrading (as mentioned by @kira-faye and @dingo07). So the greasiness will return.

Another option is to (if possible) replace the ear cups. You can easily find replacement cups and/or use cloth coverings. However, many of those products are low end as well. Consider them as expendable/replaceable. Try making your own coverings - thin cloth of some sort.

Does not have to be fashionable. Just functional.


Win 11 Master
And many industries are getting very good at "planned obsolenscence", finding cheaper and cheaper ways to make things, deliberately allow degrading (e.g., less rust protection for metal products), unglueable plastics, and overall profit via designed in EOL (End of Life).
its razer, they don't need to plan for it.

what model is it? I can't find any labelled synapse alone. That is the name of their software.

Most results I found were talking about the pads, not the cups themselves.