Why are my speakers clicking on my PC

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Sep 9, 2011
why are my pc skeakers clicking slow then fast then slow etc..I dont know if it is high cpu usage on somebody elses part or what
Are these USB-powered speakers? All kinds of interference typically comes through on those. Your only real choice is to get better speakers. If they are NOT USB-powered, you might see if the A/C plug is not keyed and can be inserted the other way.

This is especially true of low-end USB speakers. Very good advice....

Been there, done that. That is why I ditched the stuff provided and put a set of Logitechs in my office. When I crank it up (for the occasional bad day), I hear nothing but sweet, soothing METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOOAH!!! and the occasional Beethoven, too.

I have to admit, in my office, I am the boss so it is all good [😎

Good luck, just double check all of your connections and try to move any electrical lines, radios, and other transmitters (like cell phones) away from the speakers in the meantime.


Drivers for what? The audio device (a.k.a. sound card)?
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