Hi, i wanted to get a gtx 1070 msi gaming x, a week ago it was 425 pounds, now its 488 pounds. Is this going to drop down in price over the next few weeks or is there no point me saving for one?
Thanks, Robert
It will most likely drop as supply increased and matches demand. Right now these GPUs are in short supply and retailers are taking advantage of this fact.
Like said above supply and demand most likely, they should drop back down over the next month or so. Nvidia is struggling to meet demand with the 1070s and 1080.
Yh, I'd expect all PC hardware and most other goods in general to go up in price thanks to Brexit! I know this isn't a political forum but how the hell are we going to be better off?!
It not political, we are just talking about price, right or wrong, price going up from brexit.
or they could revaluation the pound and make import cheaper.
You miss the news? brexit gonna push price up at least 10%
I was so ready to say that lol, I thought I might get yelled at.
Why? is in the news.
Thought it might be controversial, seems like a touchy subject whenever I see it brought up elsewhere. Didn't know if it falls under GRAPES, however I was just reading prices could go up on a lot of goods in the U.K. Along with the shortage of 1070s thats likely what has caused the price increase.