Why are some screenshots not believeable

I asked a question with a screenshot.
It was considered suspect. Is there anything I can do to make it more believable?
Can you elaborate on how all your components are running so cold?

According to this your CPU is 46 degrees Fahrenheit, and hard drives just above freezing.

Are you running this thing outdoors in the winter weather?
You see? "if you put your computer in the freezer while it was running, yeah those numbers are believable".

Why must it be in a freezer? That or the fridge would be the worst idea ever.

Accomplish? PCs run better in cooler, less humid environments.

I am not even in this equation. It's my PC and Speccy. The human factor doesn't exist. Hence this question. A computer can't lie. It can give erroneous readings. But with an Nvidia/Intel system that's unlikely. I can understand an AMD chip saying -256 in HwMonitor wouldn't be accepted. OBVIOUSLY wrong. These temps? IDK. Thanks for shedding some light on the subject.

HwMonitor for the whole system, Coretemp, MSI Command Center and Speedfan for the CPU. BIOS says slightly higher. EVGA PrecisionX 16, MSI Afterburner and Asus GPU Tweak for the GPU.

Still beating around the bush.

If you want to be more believable you should answer questions and not go off on tangents.
The reason no one believes you is because you're being way too cagey about how your PC is accomplishing these supposed temps. Even to the point that you're trying to say that the "human factor" doesn't exist. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say "we beg to differ". All you have to say is "my computer is sitting on my desk and it's getting these temps, what's the deal"? And someone here will make a good faith effort to address the situation. But you just throw up some impossible numbers and pretend that's the only info available. The only thing I can't understand is why you're playing this game on this forum. Surely Reddit is a more appropriate place to troll this pic?

Ambient temp was 34F and the tower is sitting on the floor.

Not trying to troll. Only curious why it's so hard to take at face value.
So you are saying that the room that the computer is sitting in is barely above freezing? You said 34F. I personally couldn't stand having my room that freaking cold, but that would make more sense with the PC temps. Still unlikely though.

Live in Austin Texas. Check the weather for my area this morning.

I have my answer. Wish I could mark everybody's as the best solution.