[SOLVED] Why are there no decent vr skydiving games?


Mar 11, 2012
On steam there are 3 available and they are all dreadful.
No disrespect to the developers considering they are £3.99 each they were obviously on a budget.
I'd pay £50 for a skydiving game if it only looked as good as possible given current tech.
Pick the skydiving game that is the least "dreadful".

See if you can contact the developer(s) to discuss the game and any shortcomings that you are experiencing in the game.

Could work out well - especially if both of you are skydivers.

If the first developer choice fizzles, then try #2, etc....

Look for local (or anywhere) skydiving clubs - maybe online via Facebook, etc. Contract them.

They may be able to recommend a simulation game that is more realistic/accurate etc..
Pick the skydiving game that is the least "dreadful".

See if you can contact the developer(s) to discuss the game and any shortcomings that you are experiencing in the game.

Could work out well - especially if both of you are skydivers.

If the first developer choice fizzles, then try #2, etc....

Look for local (or anywhere) skydiving clubs - maybe online via Facebook, etc. Contract them.

They may be able to recommend a simulation game that is more realistic/accurate etc..
the entire game is essentially falling. Without anyway to "feel" the fall, you would only be able to see the ground slowly getting closer and closer. After the chute deploys, its basically a scenic airplane sim.

Skydiving is fun because of the adrenaline rush, non of which would be present in the game if it relies solely on visuals.
I can understand the concept might appear boring but this is a huge gap in the market.
Theres a million ways to make the whole drop entertaining, balance, technique, hoops, as well as being able to land in your own back yard.
DLC packs for your own area, falling through a storm, wind, lightning,
Maybe if you complete the game you get the bonus red bull space jump.
C'mon admit it, you'd try it.