Why Bees Are Disappearing

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The disappearance of European honey bees is not going to destroy the world fortunately. Many of the most important crops ( grains, corn, cows, chickens, for instance ) do not rely on bees. There may be a reduction in some of our favorite foods (European fruits mainly). They wont disappear, however, as there are more expensive and less efficient ways to pollinate these crops ( such as using a different type of bee or pollinator).

The problems with CCD are more than likely related to practices in the industry, rather than magical phenomena, which would be the most straight forward culprit. Migratory bee keeping is a very effective way to spread disease, for instance.

Don't worry so much about the bees. Not many humans are going to go hungry due to a lack of honey bees, despite what the industry wants you to think.

Let's see... my list of things to be concerned about might look like this:

Global Warming
Plastic Ocean
Modern Genocide
The Economy
Honey Bees

It made top 6, not bad I guess.
i didnt really mean its magical, im just sayin, 19 pesticides in one bee, i feel like someone needs to walk up to whoever regulates these guys and bash them in the skull.

A theory with questionable evidence to support it is of more concern to you than genocide?
I think the facts are there. Breeding our own weakens them, doesnt allow for a more natural blending of genes, and could introduce disease as well.
The use of pesticides, is well known, something made to kill will kill. Weve lost millions of people since weve banned DDT to malaria, it was that important, tho thats in Africa where no one seems to care enough, but when it comes to money, its ok to use lessor pesticides, if it only kills animals.
We need better answers here, and better knowledge to make sure what it is, if its our handling, or our pesticides, find out which one, or is its both. Then change what were doing, or how were doing it

Questionable to ignorant people, mainly.
Hmm, does a 4-month lag between the OP and 1st reply qualify as necro?? 😀

Anyway, I'd vote for Bee-Unit as being the most knowledgeable one on this subject, plus his avatar looks like a Guru, although the beard is way too short! 😛
Again, if you weren't ignorant, you'd realize that if the Earth's life-support system changes too much or even fails, then many more will die.


Preventing genocide is still more important to me than having politicians who don't give a damn about anything but elections wasting my taxes on flying their entourages around to different world summits, only to return with a genius plan to change the climate by taxing everyone.

Quite right.

Hmm, what about the B.O.?? Can't be a true Guru without some pungent fundament! 😀

Also, I'd say a loose robe qualifies for Guru-hood, plus even a Guru has to stand up once in a while, esp. if he's gonna preach at us for digging up a necro thead! Oh wait - that's your job 😛..

'Genius is one percent inspiration and 99% perspiration, which is why engineers sometimes smell really bad.' - Despair.com Demotivator
Yeah, Kitty, if your'e concerned about having stupid, greedy, politicians, then you need to do a better job of voting and encouraging voting. And you assume that everywhere in the world politicians (and their base) are stupid about global warming. This is a load of crap.
I don't need to encourage voting, it's compulsory in my country. The problem is that no matter who you choose they will screw you over. Over the years people have been made to believe that the politicians we elect are there to rule over us, not represent us. Why would I vote for someone who does not have the well-being of my electorate in mind but only their party's agenda? Well, because there's no choice... There are no humans in parliament, only politicians.

Back on topic: Somebody please think of the bees!
Certainly, as this isnt a waining issue, but waxing, and should be everyones bees wax.
My understanding was, bees like heat? Maybe out usage of pesticides are in question? Maybe they ARE transmuting as we speak, and only thw weaker ones are dying? has anyone done a RNA/DNA/chromosone check lately?
Maybe they are the next supeior race to inhabit earth?
Ya never know....
I think b-unit is right tho, I mean, just look at his pic
some scientist placed a cell phone next to a bee hive and in 5 days it was dead, but even more disconcerning is the fact that ants and animals that should have raided the unprotected hive didn't
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