Why can't I pre-order the 1080 ti?


May 31, 2015
I've been checking the site constantly waiting for the "Notify Me" to change and i'm still waiting. I seen on other forums people were able to pre-order theirs as late at 1 hour ago. so i don't think they are sold out buy any means. Is there some hidden link i don't know about. is my state excluded from pre-orders? WHY CAN'T I PRE-ORDER?!
They are selling out that fast sorry man. Theres a limited pool, you have to be quick because every enthusiast that can, is on there doing exactly that.

I've been on and off the site since 8am and its never changed from Notify Me(never even received the email) This is BS.

I like the reference design. I don't really care about overclocking so heat won't be much of an issue and the price is what sold me. aftermarket cards jack up the price for a crappy cooler, 100mhz OC and some RGB lights. I want a simple card that does its job. No Frills. but if what you're saying is true than i guess i'm gonna have to dump another $100+ on a aftermarket card....

This is what smart people do, but I don't really care for the 1080ti until I see actual benchmarks otherwise it's just talk.