Why cant i use trainer in far cry 5?

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Sep 21, 2017
I finished all main missions and most of the side missions, then i thought lets use trainer for money/perks and unlocking everything. so i downloaded a "Fling" trainer which asked me to copy it in the game folder... but ever since i did that my game wont start...i deleted trainer from the game folder...i even i deleted it from my desktop but game wouldn't launch. So i Moved my save game to other folder and reinstalled the game... and its working fine now... Was it because of "EasyAntiCheat"? I didn't mean to try to cheat in multiplayer, i only play single player/campaign. I didn't try using trainer again cause it isn't worth installing whole game again! I read people saying that the new windows update doesn't allow trainers! Im using win 10 pro, vs 1709, OS build 16299.309!