Why can't my computer run Witcher 3


Nov 12, 2015
I am new to pc gaming and i recently built my first computer. But when i try to play the Witcher 3 (and others) even on low settings im only getting like 14 frames per second. I am pretty sure that all my drivers are up to date, so i dont know why its running so poorly. any help is apreciated but thank you in advance.
My Specs Are:
fx 8320e (over clocked to 3.8) (with stock cooling)
gigabyte gtx 950 (over clocked the most i can using msi afterburner) (with stock cooling)
8 gigs or ram
asrock 970m pro3

are you monitoring cpu temps? you should not be overclocking at all on stock cooler

also have you turned off hairworks and AA?

should be playable at medium settings

He should be monitoring clocks,could be that the mobo throttles the CPU even at stock not to mention at 3,8.
It's the VRMs overheating not the CPU so its difficult to find for someone not looking for it.

that is another possibility

could be a combination of both
I have brought the CPU overclock down to stock, but what kind of numbers do u suggest for the GPU, like i said i am using msi afterburner for this, it was at max for every thing, but now ive dropped it down to 500MHz for the core clock, and 500MHz for the memory clock, i dont really know what im doing in this regard so if you guys have any clocks you think i should be using, please let me know, thank you
You need to lower your game settings for the Witcher 3.
