why CPU is running only with 933.37 MHz ?


Jan 23, 2014
hi again guys....i read some posts about CPU that run quite slow so i downloaded CPU-Z to see core speed
Well my my intel pentium P6100 is 2.00GHz dual cored.....
but in CPU-Z in core speed it shows only 933.37MHz
multiplier is x 7.0 (7-15)
why does it run so slow??? is it beacuse of charger????
I agree with jitpublisher, in CPU-Z it shows current speed so if you aren't doing anything cpu intensive it wouldn't show your max cpu speed. But if you were stress testing then looked at CPU-Z it would show 2Ghz.
your processor is weak and I would assume that your graphics card is weak (along with slow RAM and not much thereof)

all this would lead to everything being ridiculously slow

in short you probably want a new computer or you could try installing a lighter operating system (I would say install Linux mint because its easy to install and is designed to be easy to use - failing that get your local computer person to do it for you)
yes but how can you explain this??
i now have a non original charger and i have massive lags over facebook youtube like i mentioned before....
but i tested for 2 days my laptop with its original charger and it worked completely perfect.....not even a single lag.....neither on games or face and youtube and other programms.....
well the one i had from the begining got cut from the inside
the one i have now (non-original) has many different stages of Volt which you can set to..... 16-17-18-19-20-22
but my laptop needs 19.5V and in charger there's not this option...it has 19 and then 20..... :/
and yes its a multi adaptor......what should i do ? :/