Why do I have lag spikes constantly, when I have 50 Mbps+ ?


Dec 5, 2017
I have decent internet that is currently at:
Ping- 12 ms
Download- 41.67 mbps
Upload- 4.52 mbps

Whenever I am mid-game in Counter-Strike or Fortnite/Quake Champions, I always get these game-ending lag spikes that make it so I cant move and usually it says connection lost with over 1000 ping. Why does this keep happening?
Which bit? For the traceroute...
search for cmd > open it > "tracert www.bbc.co.uk" or replace the www.bbc.co.uk with a known counterstrike server.

Your routers ip will be the first hop.. and will likely look like 192.168.0.X or something like this. You want this one.. and . the one after (which will be in your local telaphone exchange). and the last one, which is the remote server.

You then need to open 3 cmd windows at the same time.. and in each set a continual ping to each of those 3 addresses.. the command is "ping -t" for example.. you will see the pings continually going.. when you have a drop out look at these windows.

If the one going to your routers address (192.168.x.x.) is dropping this means it is a...

As it seems, every room in the household manage 60+ wifi because they each have an Orbi Tri-Band Wifi Extender. Although in my room, I have a Netgear N300 Range Extender which allows my pc 60+ mbps through ethernet although the wifi stays at 8+ mbps. My main concern is still why I have 50+ mbps via ethernet and yet I have game changing lag spikes and drops that never seem to have packet loss.
I would suggest the following. Note the IP address of your router, the next hop after your router, and a distant endpoint such as a CS server.
(all of these can be gained by running traceroute.
If you are using wifi (not recommended) note the management IP of your extender also.

open several command prompt windows and set a continual ping away to all of these ips at the same time.. wait untill you experience a droput then check the command prompt windows to see what has dropped. This should tell you where the dropout is occurring because only the pings beyond the point at which the problem occuring will drop.

It sounded like you are connected to the repeater via wireless? This is the most likely cause of the problem. There may be an intermittent device breaking your connection. Changing the channel your extender is broadcasting on may help.

I'm not very tech smart when it comes to routers and airwaves, is there an easy process to this?
Which bit? For the traceroute...
search for cmd > open it > "tracert www.bbc.co.uk" or replace the www.bbc.co.uk with a known counterstrike server.

Your routers ip will be the first hop.. and will likely look like 192.168.0.X or something like this. You want this one.. and . the one after (which will be in your local telaphone exchange). and the last one, which is the remote server.

You then need to open 3 cmd windows at the same time.. and in each set a continual ping to each of those 3 addresses.. the command is "ping -t" for example.. you will see the pings continually going.. when you have a drop out look at these windows.

If the one going to your routers address (192.168.x.x.) is dropping this means it is a problem with your wireless or similar. if this one is ok but the other 2 are sropping it is a problem with your internet connection to your ISP.

As for the wireless channel.. if you find it is the wireless it can be tricky.. especially when you are using a repeater..

You would need to access the web management page for your repeater and see what settings are available.

It should have some channel numbers selectable... if these are numbered from 1 to 12.... try changing between 1, 6. and 12 to see if this makes things better or worse. if they are nubmered in the 40s, try changing to another random channel far away from your current one.

You can download programs which help you egamine wireless and which channels etc to use.. I used to reccomend inssider but i dont think its free anymore.